Chapter Twenty Five

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Author's note: Like the story I have actually been in the hosptial for a head injury so I'm sorry for the wait. 

Chapter Twenty Five:

"I'm sorry son...but we need to start thinking about what we need to do that is best for her. I need you to make the decision. We can't keep her here for ever. She isn't taking care of herself, she's been in a coma for a month. Her body will begin to shut down."

I looked at the doctor, "So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that we are going to take her off the support that we have her on. I need your decision in two days. I know this is hard," he said, putting his hard on my shoulder giving it a squeeze before walking away.

"Cry why are we here?" Scott asked, taking a seat next to me.

I had called them and told them to all get there the next day. I wouldn't tell them why, just that it was about Sophi. They were sitting in the room beside me. I sighed and looked at them.

"With her being in a coma, they think that they have kept her on support long enough. They want to remove her from it."

Red gasped. Snake's fist clenched. 

"Won't that kill her?" Russ asked.

I shrugged, "They say its a 50/50 chance that maybe her body will continue to work and function without it."

The room was silent.

"They want my answer by tomorrow," I said softly.

"Tell them no!" Red shrieked, there were tears in her eyes, "She can't die. We can't lose one of our best friends!"

"Well how do you think I feel?" I shot back, "Losing my fiancee? The one woman I fucking love and want to spend forever with? You think I want to do this?"

"Cry, we're not saying you do," Russ interjected.

"Yeah, well could've fooled me. She's over here concerned about how she's going to feel losing a friend. Who the hell is thinking about how I feel?!"

No one spoke. 

"I'm sorry Cry," Red said softly.


"Can't anyone get some damn sleep here?"

My head snapped to the side, my sight on the bed. 


I grabbed her hand quickly. She opened her eyes slowly.

"Why is everyone so damn loud?" she grumbled.

I grabbed her by the shoulders, pulling her closer and hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god. Baby, I thought I lost you," I said, tears in my eyes. 

She patted me on the back, "Well you didn't. So can I please breathe?"

I laughed gently and let go of her. She looked around the room at everyone.

"So who died?"

"Alright, careful," I said as I helped Sophi up the front steps to my house.

I insisted she stay with me. Her apartment clearly wasn't safe and she would never be able to make it up 4 flights of stairs. Snake was getting her stuff from there.

"Cry, you don't have to baby me," she sighed.

I nodded quickly, opening the front door, "I'm here to take care of you."

She kissed my cheek as she walked past me and into the house. It was good to have her back home.

Cry Plays: Love.Where stories live. Discover now