It's every girls dream to change a player and his ways. Being that girl he's loyal and faithful too, bringing out the best in him. Am I right or am I wrong?
I was not one of those girls, if anything I was the one to dodge the walking STD's! and if they got in my way my foot would meet there "baby makers." I stayed out of the way, and for the last two years I've done an excellent job of maintaining staying in the shadows. That was until the day my best friend Adrian wanted me to exactly what I've been avoiding to do. "Change the players ways."
Monroe Taylor, captain of the football team, drop dead gorgeous, and I mean drop dead gorgeous. It was hard not to notice him, he had this walk, like he's walking on clouds, his years of football has certainly paid of giving him the muscles of god. And not to mention he had the most beautiful blue eyes with a hint of gray in them. Oh, and you can't forget his smile that could literally have you in a daze for days. His perfectly tanned skin, his chocoalte brown hair that messily sat on top of his head. Made you want to run your fingers through his hair. Now I'm not going to lie, Monroe is definitely something to look at, but he's your typical jock. "Player status." your typical teenage drama show series, everyone falls for guys like Monroe Taylor, including my two best friends, which led us here...
“It’s simple, Chanel. go on a few dates with him, get to know him, break him.”
I was barely listening to Adrian talk to me about this horrifying plan that I was most certainly not going to fall through with.
I peeked behind my locker, glaring at Adrian leaning against the locker next to mine, looking at her manicured nails. I rolled my eyes at my best friend she was the complete opposite of me.
Her brown hair was curled to perfection sitting on her shoulders, her big green eyes full of excitement, not to mention her tight baby blue v-neck and pink skirt, and her favorite nude jimmy-choos, I myself bought her for christmas.
“Why would I want to put myself out there to get played by Monroe Taylor?”
“Chanel you’re the only girl in our school who hasn’t thrown themselves on Monroe.”
I sighed slamming my locker shut pulling my books to my chest.
she was not asking for a little favor as in buying her lunch today, no she was asking me to date Monroe Taylor. Thee Monroe Taylor, Mr. Perfect. They literally called him Mr. Perfect.
Adrian honestly wanted me to pretend to date Monroe Taylor, then "break his heart." What is this? John Tucker Must Die? I don't think so.
“Adrian.. lets be real here.. Monroe goes for girls like you, not like me.”
and it’s true, I was nothing compared to Adrian.
I looked down at my converse and over to Adrian’s jimmy-choos.
I had long brown hair, piercing hazel eyes, and a natural tan, that girls envied.
I wore sweatshirts and skinnies, not v-necks where my cleavage hung out and skirts you could see my ass in when I bent over.
I owned every pair of converse and vans in every color.
you would never see me going to school in some jimmy-choos, why? cause you’d see me face planted on the floor.
Guys like Monroe Taylor, go for girls like Zoe Williams, and Adrian Rodriguez.
not girls like me, Chanel Zuilo.
the girl who wears Converse and swears like a trucker.
“Chay, let’s be honest with each other for a second okay?”
I nodded my head, paying attention to the people in front of me, that I call peasants.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since Andrew and that was November of last year. Face it, your vagina is a gnome.”
I gasped smacking Adrian’s arm glaring at her.
Okay. so what? I’ve been out of the game for a couple months, but why would I want to jump right into a next relationship? the thought of having to start all over with someone new, honestly scared the shit out of me.
I’ve had my fair share with guys now don’t get me wrong, but for some reason they never worked out. I’m starting to think I actually have a gnome down there.
Adrian rubbed her arm viciously scowling me.
“you’re not suppose to insult your best friend Adrian.”
“you’re not suppose to beat your best friend either!”
I laughed at Adrian’s whimpering, as she struggled to keep pace with me in the hallway.
I turned my head to the front, dodging people as I made it to my first hour.
“Chanel, just think about it okay? you’d be like one hell of a hero.”
Adrian waved goodbye to me as she walked into her first hour.
I don’t want to be a hero I wanted to continue to live my life partially in the shadows of my two best friends, Adrian and Zoe. When I moved here two years ago, Adrian and Zoe automatically befriended me. They always said opposites attract and I couldn’t agree more on my friendship with Adrian and Zoe.
I lost my train of thought as I collided with someone, my books flying everywhere.
“ oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!”
I said struggling to get on my feet, rubbing my now aching butt.
I picked up my soccer bag, and started rummaging around for my books that were now scattered across the hallway floors.
I quickly grabbed all my books, letting out an irritated sigh I looked up to see who I had bumped into, and it was no one but himself, Monroe Taylor.
and in his hand, was my Trigonometry book.
I was seriously starting to think I was in a movie!
I cursed at myself and Adrian she just had to bring him up, and I just had to run into him.
I found myself looking into his eyes, his exotic blue eyes that had a hint of grey in them, they had to be the most beautiful eyes, I have ever seen.
I’m pretty sure, I saw fireworks and naked girls running around in his sea blue eyes.
Okay, so I've never been this close to Monroe before, I've never been close enough to see the gray in his eyes, but oh my gosh they were mesmorizing.
his voice caught my attention snapping me out of my thoughts.
“Here’s your book- “
“Chanel.” I answered him grabbing my book out of his hands.
Monroe’s eyes traced every inch of my body, almost like he was taking pictures and storing them in the back of his mind, I thanked him for helping me pick my books up quickly making my way to class.
I felt Monroe’s eyes burn into me as I walked away,and all I could think about is how Adrian wouldn’t get enough of my run in with Monroe Taylor.
hello lovelies, feedback is appreciated, I hope you come to enjoy this story just as much as I enjoy writing it!
also, I haven't decided on who I want to play as Chanel, Adrian and Monroe, but I'll figure it out by tonight as I write the next chapter, xo.

Charming Taylor.
JugendliteraturMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...