I woke up, sprawled out on my california king bed, glancing at the clock between my mess of my hair that was plastered to my face, squinting to get a better look 12:30 pm, the green lights flashed, making me groan.
My head was pounding, I felt like I got hit with a baseball numerous of times.
I felt my feet hit my soft white carpet, standing up and stretching my stiff bones, I made my way down stairs, rubbing my back walking into the kitchen.
“Well, Good morning Sunshine.” I jumped putting my hand over my chest.
“Yeezus Mom! you scared the white out of me.” I said opening the fridge door and grabbing a water bottle.
I made my way to the island, pushing myself on one of the stools.
“Long night?”
I placed my head on the ice cold counter and nodded.
The smell of pancakes filled my nose, and my stomach fluttered with pleasure.
“So how was the party?”
“What party?” I said looking at my mom with innocent eyes.
“Chanel.” My mom glared at me.
“I didn’t go to any parties last night, mom.” I said standing my ground.
“Chanel, you’re still in your clothes from last night, and you smell like alcohol.”
Shit I muttered under my breath.
“Chanel Rain Zuilo, I will not have this non-sense in my house! You’re eighteen years old, not twenty-one, do you think you’re grown now, cause you hit the big eighteen? you still live with your mother, and damnit I will not keep bailing you out of jail Chanel, do you hear me?”
I groaned placing my cheek on the counter.
“Damnit Chanel! do you hear me?!”
“YES.” I said gripping my head.
“Will you shut up?” I spat.
“You’re something else Chanel.”
“Like your not.” I muttered. My mom just glared at me before placing a plate full of pancakes in front of me.
I sighed, lifting my head up buttering and drowning my pancakes in syrup.
“I’m sorry mom.” I said looking up from my pancakes.
“But please for crying out loud, don’t be a hypocrite.”
“I only went to the party, because I promise Adrian and Zoe.”
“This doesn’t have to do with Monroe Taylor does it?”
I didn’t look at my mom, I broke off a piece of my pancake shoving it in my mouth.
“Chanel, I told you I don’t think it’s a good idea, you could get hurt.”
“I’m not going to get hurt, he is.” I said shrugging and shoving pancakes in my mouth.
“Chanel, playing with a guys feelings and leading him on, isn’t fair.”
“Are you really giving me relationship advice right now? huh.” I snorted.
“Look at you mom! look what you’re doing! I’m surprised you’re even home today! what did you get dumped again? or better yet where is he? in your bedroom?! save it mom, you’re opinion is irrelevant when it comes to guys. always will be.” I said shoving my plate away and walking upstairs.

Charming Taylor.
Teen FictionMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...