I added a total of three chapters today because I needed to get them out of the way, I don't know when the next update will be but hopefully soon! enjoy!
"Nope, I don't care."
"I don't care."
"I don't care."
"I don't care."
"I. Don't. Care."
Great, it's been a week and I'm already talking to myself.
I was lounged out on my bed, scrolling through Monroe's pictures. It's safe to say that Mr. Taylor has officially moved on. With whom you ask? The one and only Katrina Moore that really grinds my gears!
Oh well, I broke that bitches nose.
"Chanel, someone's here to see you!"
"Let them up!" I yelled back.
I sat my phone down, taking my headphone out of my ears.
"What are you doing here?" I snapped.
"I just wanted to talk to you."
"I think you've done enough." I said rolling my eyes.
"Chay, please." Zoe pleaded closing my bedroom door.
"Fine, you have five minutes choose your words wisely." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Chanel, you must know I would never go behind your back! I promised you I wouldn't tell Monroe and I kept that promise. I honestly did try and stop Adrian but she wouldn't listen, she was so bent on ruining you and Monroe. Adrian was jealous of you Chanel now that I think about it, Adrian's always been jealous of you. I mean look at you you're beautiful, you're smart and you have a lot going for you and when Adrian started realizing You and Monroe actually stood a chance she envied you. Monroe never looked at a girl before like he looked at you, it drove Adrian nuts knowing she wasn't the girl Monroe truly fell for. You know Adrian loves you, she would do anything in the world for you, she just went about in all the wrong ways. I'm sorry Chanel I really am, I never wanted you to get hurt." Zoe said getting up from my bed and walking towards the door.
"I don't expect you to forgive me, but at least you know the truth." Zoe said getting up and walking out of my room.
I sighed rolling my eyes, falling back on to my bed. I opened my twitter app scrolling through my news feed.
"@MonroeTaylor: it's a party bitches!"
I clicked open the tab looking at Monroe's picture, he was standing on the table chugging down two bottles at a time.
Oh no.
I pulled my car into the closest parking spot I could find, I don't even think my car was at a complete stop when I jumped out of the car, I ran across the street towards Monroe's house, I pushed open the front door making my way in.
I pushed my way through the crowds of drunk people, I needed to find Monroe, fast before he decides to do something stupid.
"Chanel! Wait." I turned around coming face to face with Adrian.
"Adrian let go of me, I have nothing to say to you!" I snapped smacking her hand off of me. I turned my attention back towards the crowd of people.
"Get out of my way!"
I said pushing past people, I edged my way towards Monroe's kitchen, I found Monroe on his counter drinking out of two bottles at a time.

Charming Taylor.
Teen FictionMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...