Ninety-nine percent of the time, I spend my days in the gym. And when I’m not in the gym, I’m with Chanel.
I can’t gain the courage to talk too Chanel.
It’s Monday, I haven’t talked to Chanel since Friday.
Part of me felt like an asshole for shutting Chanel out like that, the other part of me was relieved that Chanel still opened up to me. She still trusted me, even if I didn’t trust her.
Blake is and will be a subject I’ll never talk about, it hurts too much to think about it, to talk about it, to even look at the pictures that are stored away on the top shelf of my closet. I can’t relive those moments, the moments I’ve been trying so hard to get away from.
Chanel’s point of view.
I needed someone to talk too, but I couldn’t talk to Adrian and Zoe about it, they would flip.
I didn’t want to fall through with this plan anymore, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. But I wouldn’t tell them that.
I’ve never opened up to someone and told them the truth about my life, besides Monroe.
I haven’t talked to Monroe since Friday, it’s Monday he’s not even in school today which doesn’t surprise me, but I just needed to see his face, I needed to know he was okay. If we were okay.
Oh my god, I’m starting to sound like a girlfriend.
“What’s on your mind Chay?”
This plan.
“You’ve been quiet since we got here.”
“I’m just not feeling well.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“Well, what are you and Monroe doing for Halloween?”
Halloween was in two weeks, and Adrian always through her Halloween bash. You had to dress up in a costume, but if you came in the same costume Adrian had, you so are not getting into that party.
I really don’t know how I became friends with Adrian but I did, and she’s my best friend. But I can’t help but wonder if I hadn’t met Adrian would she treat me the way she treats everyone else who is under her?
I don’t approve of the things Adrian does, Adrian can be the biggest bitch but she honestly means well even if it doesn’t seem like it.
“I don’t know yet, I don’t think we’re doing Halloween.”
“Why not? you’re a couple, couples dress up for Halloween.”
Oh yes, how could I forget we’re a couple.
“I don’t know maybe, I’ll talk to Monroe about it, see what he has in mind first.”
“When does Monroe come before Zoe and I?” Adrian snorted.
“Adrian calm down, maybe Monroe doesn’t want to go to your party, and wants to do something with Chanel alone.” Zoe said rolling her eyes.
“Or maybe we should get real, and realize precious Chanel is starting to fall for Monroe!” Adrian spat.
geez, was she my best friend or my worst enemy?
“Or maybe you should stop acting like a jealous bitch Adrian, jealousy is not cute on you, what is your problem? even since YOU started this plan up, you’ve been acting like a complete bitch, remember Adrian you thought of this plan, you cried wolf to me, you wanted me to do this, so here I am, I’m doing this for YOU. No one told you be naive and fuck Monroe on the first day, have some class Dri. No better yet get well soon.” I spat.

Charming Taylor.
Teen FictionMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...