"I want that bitch arrested!"
"I want that bitch dead!" I mocked slumping down in the chair.
"Well Chanel, you certainly showed it."
"She should of never fucked with me." I said examining my bloody knuckles.
"Why because the truth hurts?" Katrina smirked at me, wiping the blood from her nose.
"Your nose is a little crooked there." I said smiling turning my attention towards our principal.
I should probably tell you why I'm in the office with a bloody Katrina Moore.
- An hour earlier. -
School was like any other day, I walked through the doors, walked down the hallways as everyone talked about me, occasionally snuck a glance at Monroe, ignoring Adrian and Zoe. Same old same old.
Except today was different, let me tell you why.
Katrina Moore has only crossed my path once, and she was lucky Monroe was there to save her.
This time, Monroe didn't step in good boy.
"Chanel, tell me. How does it feel to be a hump and dump?"
"Excuse me?" I said stopping dead in my tracks. I turned around coming into view with a smirking Katrina.
The lunch room instantly went quiet, my eyes met Monroe, as he nervously looked away.
So, this is what we're telling people huh?
"You heard me, a hump and dump, a hit and quit, a fuck and leave."
I glared at Katrina, making my hands into fists.
"You don't know what you're talking about." I snapped.
I released my fists, letting my hands fall to my sides, I refuse to let Katrina get to me.
"I think I do, care to let me explain?"
I didn't say a word, I just stood there.
"Monroe, charmed you didn't he? Told you all the right things, invited you over, took you on dates, but you know the one thing Monroe didn't do?" Katrina said smirking at me.
"What's that?"
"Monroe never introduce you properly to his parents am I right?"
"Sure you probably met them, and Monroe probably told them you were his girlfriend, but did you actually meet his parents Chanel? Did you actually think you were different from all the other girls? Let me tell you something sweetie, I am the only girl who ever met Monroe's parents, I am the only girl Monroe will ever love.
Let me guess what happened when you were in Paris with him, he took you to that ball right? You danced the night away, and at the end of the night where did you go? You certainly didn't go back to your hotel room alone correct?"
I gulped, not taking my eyes off of Monroe, everything Katrina said was point on. And here Monroe was making me feel guilty, when Monroe was playing the same game I was.
"And when you woke up the next morning, all happy and in love Monroe dropped the bomb on you didn't he? He broke up with your sorry ass, cause you're just like the others, nothing special just a piece of ass." Katrina smirked at me, and that's when I lost it.
My fist met Katrina's nose, making her fall to the ground with a thud, Katrina latched her scrawny little fingers into my hair pulling me down with her, I pushed myself up, punching Katrina square in the face, I heard a cry escape from Katrina's lips, but everything went black, I completely lost it.
I felt Katrina's nails swipe across my face but I didn't care, I wanted this bitch to hurt.
If it wasn't for Monroe and River pulling me off of Katrina I would've of probably been in jail, and Katrina would of probably been in a coffin.
"Get off of me!" I yelled, shaking Monroe's hands off of me.
I wiped at my face, looking down at Katrina on the ground she was holding her nose, glaring at me.
"You're pathetic." I spat, walking over Katrina.
I stopped turning around looking at Monroe.
"You know it's funny, because you were right Monroe, I'm no better than you, but I will never be worse than you." I spat, I turned around coming face to face with our principal.
"My. Office. Now." Mrs. Yarvenko said to Katrina and I.
I groaned following into step with her, I could feel Katrina's glare burn into the back of my head, and I wanted nothing more to just finish her off.
"Unacceptable." Mrs. Yarvenko said once we were in her office.
"The bitch is crazy!" Katrina cried.
"Look what she did to me!"
Katrina held her hand over her nose but you could tell her fake nose was going to need some work, her eyes were starting to turn a shade of blue, and you could see where her cheek was already bruising.
"Yeah well, you had it coming." I snarled plopping down in one of the seats.
"Enough! I will not tolerate this in my school, do you understand me?"
I nodded my head.
"Chanel, I'm going to have to suspend you for two weeks, it's only fair."
I shrugged my shoulders not really caring.
"I mean, oh no." I said rolling my eyes.
"Can I go now?"
Mrs. Yarvenko shot me a look, but waved me off with her hand.
Well if that wasn't easy then I don't know what is.
I had a feeling Mrs. Yarvenko was glad I knocked Katrina off her high horse.
I grabbed my bag, smiling at Katrina.
"I did you a favor Katrina, that nose job was awful." I laughed walking out of the office.
"Go away." I said continuing to walk towards my locker.
"At least let me say what I have to say."
I sighed, throwing my books into my locker, I slammed it shut turning around facing Monroe.
"I don't want to hear what you have to say Monroe, you made me feel so guilty, when you were playing the same game I was! Except the only thing different is I actually fell for you, I actually told Adrian and Zoe I wasn't going to fall through with the plan anymore, I ended it Monroe before we went to Paris, so yes everything was real when we were in Paris, it was all real. It actually never was fake, not even from the start. " I said walking away.
"And for the record." I said turning to face Monroe again.
"I never told Adrian or Zoe your secrets, I never told them what you told me, I kept it all safe, every word. I didn't tell a soul." And with that I pushed open the school doors, reading to enjoy my two weeks off from school.
I didn't change Monroe, Monroe was still the same.

Charming Taylor.
Teen FictionMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...