The halls were swarming about Monroe Taylor’s party.
“Victory bash.” For the last two years, every first football game they won, Monroe throws the biggest party ever.
And I always end up coming home drunk off my ass. I may not like Monroe but he always threw the best parties. I’ll give him that.
Anyone and everyone were invited, Monroe, Zay and River throw flyers around the school, and I mean there are flyers everywhere, lockers, hallways, classrooms, girls bathrooms, boys bathrooms, lunchroom, on your car. E v e r y w h e r e.
I groggily made my way towards my locker, snatching the flyer off my locker.
“Monroe Taylor’s victory bash!who doesn’t love a good strip club? and some spin the bottle. ;) shots! shots! shots! shots! everrrrrrybodyyyy! Friday night, come and go! it’ll be a banger!”
How does the principal not get wind of this? I rolled my eyes crumpling the paper up throwing it on the ground.
It was thursday, which meant tomorrow was Monroe’s party and things were going to be crazy.
Everyone goes into a frantic every time Monroe throws a party, ladies dress to impress, and the fellas try and find dates to the party. for crying out loud it’s just a party!
“Chanel?” I was snapped out of my thoughts to someone calling my name.
not taking my head out of my locker, I simply said “Yes?”
I stood there and waited for the person to speak up, I got nothing.
I turned around, coming into view with a lovely set of boobs on a shirt, and micky mouse gloves groping them.
well this is a good way to start off my day… not.
I moved my eyes up coming into view with of course Monroe freaking Taylor!
I mentally rolled my eyes, I raised an eyebrow up, waiting for him to continue.
“You’re coming to my party right?” Monroe said winking at me.
“I don’t see why not.” I said smiling at him.
be nice Chanel, you need him to like you. Be nice.
“Good.” He flashed his perfectly white teeth at me.
oh god, his smile.
I smiled at him, turning back towards my locker, getting my books out.
“Is there something you need?” I said shutting my locker, pulling my books up to my chest.
Monroe was still standing there, just looking at me.
was there something on my face? was it my choice in clothes?
I looked down, at my cut off tupac shirt, my white high waisted shorts, and my white vans.
or maybe it was my hair? my hair was in a messy bun, with a white bandana tied in the front holding it in place.
“Be my date.”
I stared at him for what seemed like the longest time, Monroe placed his hands in his dark denim jeans, looking down at me, I took in his attire, while I was staring. He was wearing a black shirt with boobs on it, and micky mouse hands, dark denim jeans, and Black Grape 5 Jordans, his brown hair was somewhat messy, which meant he ran his hand through his hair a couple times, he was perfect. damn him.
“You want me to be your date, to your own party?” I said not taking my eyes off of him.
“Yep.” He said, smirking at me.

Charming Taylor.
أدب المراهقينMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...