“There she is!” Adrian squealed as I walked up to the table where Adrian and Zoe sat at.
I smiled slipping into the seat across from them.
“Where have you been Chay?”
I’ve honestly been at home with Monroe. My phones been off since Thursday not wanting to be bothered by anyone.
“Just having some Me-time.” I said shrugging my shoulders.
“You mean, Monroe-time.” Zoe said winking at me.
I smiled, tracing my index around the top of my glass.
“Oh god, Chanel. Don’t tell me you’re actually falling for Monroe.”
“What? no- this is part of the plan isn’t it?” I said twirling a piece of my curly hair.
I’ve grown fond of Monroe, I didn’t like Monroe.
I will say, waking up in Monroe’s arm this morning made me smile.
“Christian Marcel is having his birthday bash tonight, how about we go?” I said changing the subject.
I would never step foot in Christian Marcel’s house, Christian’s been obsessed with me since I could remember.
“Sounds good, I feel like I haven’t seen my best friend in ages!” Zoe piped in.
Adrian just glared at me, it’s almost like she didn’t believe a thing I said.
Honestly, I wasn’t quite sure myself, especially about my feelings towards Monroe. Typical right? the girl always falls for the boy, even if she’s not suppose too. Well I will not be that girl, I refuse to be the girl picking her heart up off the floor.
I smiled at Zoe, biting into my hani.
Just what I needed, a party and boys.
Monroe’s point of view.
“Christian’s party’s tonight, you down?”
I nodded my head dribbling the basketball.
Zay, River and I were at the court, shooting a few hoops.
“So, are you going to the party with Chanel tonight?” Zay asked putting his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath.
“Nah.” I said shooting the ball in the net.
“Why not?” River asked me, laying on the grass twirling the basketball on his finger.
I shrugged my shoulders shooting the basketball.
“We’re not exactly a thing, guys.” I said shooting another basket.
“So? what does that have to with anything?” Zay asked rolling his eyes.
“And it’s not like, you guys couldn’t be a couple, the only thing stopping you is your reputation of the ladies man.” River added.
I shrugged my shoulders as I watched the basketball circle the rim before going into the net.
“Chanel’s going to do her thing, I’m going to do mine, I’m single she’s single, just because we occasionally make out, doesn’t mean I’m tied down, I refuse to be tied down.” I said dumping my water bottle over my head.
Chanel was an amazing girl, don’t get me wrong. But this was nothing serious. If anything it was just to get my dick wet.
I don’t do relationships, I’m more of the “No strings attached” type of guy.

Charming Taylor.
Teen FictionMonroe Taylor. Known as Mr. Perfect, and for his amazing skills in bed, and not to mention the hearts he breaks in between his social life, Monroe Taylor was every girls dream Prince "Cinderella with her glass slipper, and charming Prince." Girls of...