Chapter 3

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Lucy's POV

Lucy's apartment felt cold as she opened the door and entered. They had been away for a week and winter was beginning to take hold in Magnolia, so the fire hadn't been lit since she left. She shivered a little and went about lighting the fire, her fingers fumbling with the matches.

Too bad Natsu didn't come with me. He could have had this lit in a second...

Lucy blushed and shook her head, the words of her guildmates echoing in her mind as she struggled to get the fire going.

"I personally think Natsu has feelings for you!"

Lucy sighed as she finally managed to light the fire. Her guild mates must be crazy. There was no way the child-like mind of Natsu could grasp the idea of having strong feelings of love for someone. Wait, love? Lucy blushed again. She knew that she had feelings for her rambunctious teammate but she had never thought of it as love before.

"I must be losing my mind," she mumbled to herself as she made her way to her bedroom. "I just need a hot bath to relax." She stepped into the bathroom and turned on the taps for the bathtub, pouring in some of her favorite strawberry scented bubble bath. She felt gross after their long mission and this bath was just what she needed. Releasing her long blonde hair from its two pigtails, she stripped and tossed her clothes in her laundry basket.

Lucy groaned as she slipped into the hot water, feeling the tension in her muscles releasing. This was the life. She reached for her bottle of strawberry shampoo and began to wash away the grime from the mission. She hummed softly as she worked, letting her mind relax and become blank as she focused on scrubbing herself clean. When she had finished cleaning her hair and body she leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes.

"Natsu is a man after all, he's not immune to his own hormones."

Lucy blushed as she remembered Gray's words. Now what he had said was truly ridiculous. There was no way that Natsu had any interest in her physically. The guy never even participated in the conversations with the other men in the guild, when they drunkenly began to compare the female mages to each other. She doubted if he even knew what sex appeal meant. But...

He has suggested using me for distraction purposes before... That means he must have noticed some things about me.

Her face reddened as she imagined Natsu looking over her from afar, his eyes passing down her body, his gaze lingering on her generous breasts and long legs. The thought sent a pleasurable chill down her spine and caused warmth to pool low down in her stomach. Oh how she longed for him to look at her like that.

Natsu was a beautiful specimen of a man. His body was firm and well muscled, a delicious looking shade of tan. She desperately wished that she could skim her hands over the smooth skin on his chest, lightly dragging her nails so that he would groan at the sensation. She wished that she could thread her fingers through his soft pink hair and pull him in for a deep kiss...

Lucy blushed even harder and splashed water on her face. She really had to stop thinking like that. She'd end up hot and bothered, and taking care of herself really didn't do too much to ease the ache between her legs. She ran her hands up her legs to make sure that she hadn't missed any spots while shaving, but found herself imagining that a much stronger and bigger pair of hands replaced her own. She sighed and hung her head. It looked like her thoughts had already gotten away from her and she could feel the ache beginning in her core.

She fervently hoped that none of her teammates had barged into her apartment while she had been in the bath as her right hand slowly inched down to her center. She had done this before, but it was still embarrassing every time that she did it.

"Natsu is a man after all..."

Lucy bit her lip as she slowly rubbed her clit. Natsu indeed was a man, a very sexy one. She closed her eyes and let her fantasies sweep her away.

She imagined him holding her tightly against his chest as he lay in the bath behind her, his rough fingers stroking her lower lips as he pressed wet kisses to the smooth column of her neck. His left hand gently massaging her breast and then moved to take her hard nipple between his thumb and forefinger to pinch it gently. Lucy gasped and groaned at his touches, causing him to chuckle against her skin at her reactions.

"You make the most delicious noises Lucy," he purred. His low voice only made Lucy whimper as he continued to stroke her, his fingers alternating between long strokes up her slit and making gentle circles on her clit. She wished that he would just stop teasing her. As if he could read her thoughts, he gently slipped one long digit into her wet heat, and she gasped loudly. Another chuckle rumbled from the man behind her.

"So wet for me Luce. So eager for me. Who would have thought that you'd be so desperate for my touch?" Lucy moaned and bucked against his hand, wanting more than what he was giving her. She felt Natsu's teeth on her neck as he gently bit down, causing her to shudder and moan again. "Now now," he whispered, pulling his finger out of her slightly making her whine at the loss. "None of that. You have to be patient and wait for your treat," he growled. She whined but nodded as he slowly pushed his finger back in, slowly stroking inside her. He was going to make her burn for him.

"N-natsu!" she gasped, as a second digit joined the first. She felt her walls stretching at the intrusion, her virgin passage tight.

"So tight," he groaned as her walls squeezed his fingers. He pressed more kisses to her neck and sucked gently on the skin just below her ear. She moaned loudly, desperation evident in her voice. "I may have to speed things up after all. I need to be inside you," he growled.

Lucy whimpered as his hard fingers began to pump in and out of her tight passage. He was gentle, but she felt the strength he was barely containing. It turned her on even more that he had to restrain himself from taking her hard and fast. A third finger filled her and she cried out, involuntarily bucking against his hand, but he didn't notice.

"Come for me Lucy," he whispered hoarsely. "I want to be the only one who does this to you." She moaned at his words, her hips lifting up in her desperation to feel him more.

"Only you Natsu! Only you!" she cried. He was kissing her neck again, alternating between wet sucks and gentle bites. It was driving her crazy. She could feel his hard length pressing against her from behind and she longed to feel it pushing into her core. She grinded against him, wanting to take him inside her. He growled loudly and his other hand joined the first between her legs, rubbing her clit and bringing her body to the brink of release.

"I wasn't asking you to come," he groaned and bit the sensitive juncture between her neck and shoulder. Lucy came apart in his arms, screaming out his name as her world focused on this one moment of absolute bliss.

Lucy didn't open her eyes immediately as her fantasy ended. She lay in the bath, panting as she came down from her orgasm.

If I keep this up I won't be able to look Natsu in the face much longer.

Lucy sighed and got out of the bath. She wanted the words of her guildmates to be true. She longed for Natsu to love her and desire her. But she wasn't going to get her hopes up. She was a sensible girl, and she knew that her desires would probably go unfulfilled. She accepted that. But there would always be a part of her that desperately desired the dragonslayer.

"I think I'll turn in early tonight," she said to herself, pulling out her pajamas and getting into them. She had soaked in the bath for a long while after her fantasy had ended and the afternoon was fading quickly into evening. She went downstairs and fixed herself a light dinner before heading back upstairs. She spent an hour or so working on her novel before getting into bed and turning off the lights.

Tomorrow I'll go back to my normal routine as usual.

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