Chapter 20

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The Day After

Lucy's POV

The celestial spirit mage had been a little disappointed when she hadn't been able to actually go on her date the night before... She had been waiting outside the restaurant when Darius had run up to her. He had commented on how nice she looked before apologizing profusely and saying that they would have to reschedule. Apparently there was an issue at Blue Pegasus and they needed him for the night. Lucy had been understanding, and they had decided to come back at the same time the next day.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon now, and Lucy figured that it was time she started getting ready. She went over to her wardrobe and rifled through it, trying to decide what to wear. She had worn a short black dress the night before, but she couldn't wear that again cause she'd already been seen wearing it... Her eyes fell on the outfit that she had bought the other day. Well she had bought it for a reason...

She filled the bath and got cleaned up, making sure to use all of her favorite scented washes. She thought they smelled good so Darius probably would too... Natsu always liked how they smelled... NO! Stop. You can't think like that after tonight anymore. She finished her bath and dried herself off, before getting into her bathroom and going back out to her room. She grabbed her keys and selected two

"Open! Gates of the Virgin and Giant Crab! Virgo and Cancer!" she called, and the two Zodiac spirits appeared.

"How may we serve you Princess?" said Virgo, bowing to her. Lucy smiled at them warmly. They had been with her for a long time now and both of them were very dear to her heart.

"I have a date in two hours so I need to get ready," she said. Virgo gave her a sly look.

"Is your date with Natsu? Did you two finally become lovers?" she said, Lucy groaned.

"Not you too Virgo... No it isn't Natsu," she said her eyes becoming sad and downcast. "I'm giving up on him after this date..." She missed the look between Virgo and Cancer.

"My apologies Princess," said the maid spirit. She came over and settled Lucy into the seat in front of her vanity. "Lets get you looking beautiful for your date," she added.

"I'm going back for some of my special supplies baby," said Cancer, and Lucy nodded at him.

What she didn't know was that Cancer was going back for an entirely different reason... While Lucy had been lost in her thoughts Virgo had leaned closer to Cancer and whispered to him.

"Go tell Leo... Our Princess is about to make a huge mistake... She needs our help."

Gray's POV

Everyone is the guild was feeling down... They all felt so sorry for poor Natsu. He loved Lucy with all his heart and he had missed his chance to tell her... Gray sighed and stared at his drink. Cana wasn't the only memeber of Fairy Tail day-drinking today. They pretty much all were. The guild was a gloomy place.

Suddenly the front doors of the guild burst open and someone shouted.

"Where's Natsu?!"

Everyone turned to see who it was, and gasped in surprise.

"Loke? What are you doing here?" Gray yelled in surprise. The celestial spirit ran over to Gray and grabbed him by the shoulders, his eyes burning fiercely.

"Where's Natsu? He has to hurry!" said the lion spirit. Gray gave him a bemused look.

"Dude what are you talking about, you've gotta tell us what's going on, calm down a little," he said sternly. Loke took a few deep breaths.

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