Chapter 11

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Five Days Till Lucy's Date

Natsu's POV

Natsu yawned as the entered the guildhall. He had had a vivid dream about Lucy the night before. He blushed as he remembered how he and Lucy had been intimate... He remembered every exquisite detail of Lucy's body and how amazing everything had felt, but he couldn't remember anything that either of them had said.... He thought that it was strange....

"Natsu!" someone called to him, and he stiffened as he recognized that lovely voice. He turned slowly and his eyes found her. She really was beautiful when she smiled...

"Oh... Hey Lucy!" he called back, trying to sound like his normal self so she wouldn't be suspicious. She ran up to him and placed her hand on his shoulder, he felt his body flush as she made contact with his bare skin. He really really hoped that she wouldn't notice.

"I'm going out on a job with Juvia today, so don't wait up for me! You just focus hard on your training!" she said, smiling at him sweetly. Natsu nodded at her and she gave his shoulder a little squeeze before heading over to join the blue-haired water mage. Natsu watched her as she began to animatedly talk with Juvia, and as he did his eyes met with the blunettes. She smiled at him and gave him a knowing wink. Juvia must be in on the whole plan as well... Natsu was glad, it would be nice to have someone other than happy keeping an eye on Lucy. He waved at them as they exited the guildhall, hope forming in his chest as he thought of all the support that the guild was giving him.

"Alright then," he muttered to himself. "Time to get this special training underway..." He quickly located the group that was to help him on this first day... The ones who would be helping him what it truly meant to love someone. He walked up to them and the greeted him as he sat down.

Alzac, Jet, Droy, and Elfman... He really didn't know how they were supposed to teach him to understand his feelings for Lucy...

"So Natsu," said Alzac, smiling warmly at the younger mage. "Our job is to get you to understand how you feel about Lucy." Natsu nodded, still feeling skeptical.

"Not to sound like a jerk or anything," said the fire mage, being oddly polite. "But I'm not so sure about the Master's choices for this group... I mean I get Alzac cause he's married, but what do you three know about love?" he asked, pointing at the two members of Shadow Gear and the take-over mage. He was surprised when they all laughed at him.

"You've got to be kidding us Natsu!" said Jet, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. "I mean it's not that surprising cause you've never been good at noticing stuff like this, but surely you would have picked up on the fact that we're all madly in love!" Natsu stared at them in silent bewilderment.

"WHAT?" he shouted, causing everyone in the hall to laugh. "W-what do you mean you all are in love?" He stammered, utterly confused. Alzac, Jet, and Droy just continued to laugh while Elfman stared at his mug, looking a little embarrassed.

"Looks like we're going to have to spell it out for you Natsu," managed Droy, holding his sides. "You see, Jet and I have both been competing for Levy's affection for years!" Natsu stared at them, dumbfounded.

"Are you guys being serious? You're both in love with Levy? How have you not beaten the crap out of each other yet?" he said, wondering at how he had not noticed this before.

"Well that's because we want Levy to decide who she wants on her own," said Jet. He and Droy gave each other a knowing look, which seemed to Natsu to be tinged with a bit of sadness. "Even if she chooses someone other than us."

"I suppose that makes sense..." said Natsu, his eyes fell on Elfman. "But who are you in love with?" he asked the take-over mage. Elfman's face reddened and he gritted his teeth.

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