Chapter 8

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Mararov's POV

"Well this certainly is an unusual request," said Fairy Tail's guild master Makarov. He sat cross-legged on the bar, his drink halfway to his mouth as he looked at the two mages standing in front of him. Levy was practically shaking with excitement and Natsu looked embarrassed. It was taking a lot of effort to keep from laughing at the young man who was so clearly out of his element.

"Please master?" pleaded Levy, beginning to bounce on the balls of her feet in anticipation. "You of all people know how much Natsu deserves our help on this. Besides, the whole guild thinks that they belong together!" Makarov couldn't stop the smile that began to spread across his face.

"Fairy Tail is always ready to help someone in need, especially if that someone is one of our own," he said, and Levy squealed in excitement. Natsu smiled a little nervously.

"So you're going to help me?" asked the dragonslayer. Makarov was actually proud of the young man for asking for help. He was usually so stubborn and adamant about doing things on his own, and it was nice to see him accept the fact that this was something he needed help with.

"Of course my boy," said Makarov kindly. "Who would I be to deny you your chance at love?" Natsu blushed and Levy giggled. "We're going to need a lot of help on this one brats. Normally requests go on the board but since we can't have Lucy finding out about this I'd better select a group myself to help."

He told Levy and Natsu who he wanted them to find and bring to his office and sent them out to gather the team. He took a long sip of drink and then smiled.

Natsu Dragneel was in love with Lucy Heartfilia. And according to Levy, Lucy was in love with Natsu as well. The solid script had hung back to whisper that juicy bit of information to him, thinking that it would be a nice surprise for Natsu when he finally confessed to her. It was fitting in an odd sort of way. Normally the princess fell for the prince, but it looks like in this story she had fallen for the dragon...

"Ah young love..." he said wistfully.

Natsu's POV

Natsu could feel the blush on his face as the last of the team shuffled into the master's office. He wasn't sure how he felt about revealing his secret to all of them. He knew that they would tease him relentlessly, but he supposed it had to be done. His eyes wandered over the group, wondering why the master had chosen them.

Alzac, Gajeel, Laxus, Lisanna, Mira, Elfman, Freed, Evergreen, Gray, Erza, Levy, Jet, and Droy.

He was particularly dreading the reactions from his fellow dragonslayers and Gray... He'd probably have to kick their asses to get them to stop laughing at him. The young man was pulled out of his thoughts by the master clearing his throat.

"Well brats you're probably all wondering why I've called you all in here," said Makarov, and Natsu felt his stomach begin to churn as the dreaded moment approached. There were nods all around the room, and out of the corner of his eye Natsu saw Levy fidgeting in her seat. "One of our own has come forth with a request, and it is of the utmost importance that we do not fail in this mission!"

There was a chorus of mutters at this. It was extremely rare for a mage to formally ask for help from the guild.

"Now I have to tell you that there is no actual physical reward for this job but once I tell you what it is you'll know why," said the master, grinning hugely. The muttering continued, some of it sounding annoyed.

"Come on gramps just tell us what the job is," said Laxus impatiently. "It must be pretty big to need all of us." Makarov nodded and Natsu's stomach clenched. This was it. His secret was about to be revealed.

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