Chapter 21

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Lucy's POV

Tears of joy flowed down Lucy's face as she listened to Natsu's confession. She had been ready to give up on him...and now here he was...telling he that he loved her...that he'd always loved her... Her hands covered her mouth as she struggled to contain her sobs. With every word he spoke her heart clenched tighter and tighter, as she desperately held herself back from throwing herself into his arms. When he had finished speaking he went quiet, and she could see tears falling on the backs of his hands as they rested clenched on his knees. He was trembling, she was sure out of fear of rejection from her... She couldn't hold back the little sniffle as her hands lowered ever so slightly.

Natsu looked up at her, his expression fearful. She looked at his dirty, tired, tear-stained face and it felt like her heart burst. She flung herself down at him and crushed her lips desperately against his. Memories were flooding through her mind as she kissed him; memories of their dreams together... They all came flooding back and she clutched him as tightly as she could...never wanting to let go...

They broke for air, both panting heavily as they stared into each others eyes. Lucy's heart swelled as she saw the pure joy in Natsu's tear-filled eyes. She had never seen him cry like this... His shaking hands came up to cup her face and he pressed his forehead against hers as he cried uncontrollably, sobbing the words "I love you" over and over until his voice was hoarse. Lucy too had tears in her eyes as she held the man that she loved more than anything.

"Natsu... I love you... I love you so much..." she cried and clung to his chest, not caring that he was covered in filth. He wrapped his arms around her and he slowly began to calm down, breathing in her scent. She took a deep breath and managed to sit back upright, wiping her eyes. "Oh Natsu... I'm sorry... I never should have doubted you..." she whispered, leaning forward and pressing a kiss to his lips. He returned the kiss eagerly, almost desperately, as if he'd die if he didn't. They broke apart again and he stroked her face gently with the back of his bloody hand.

"Oh Luce... Don't apologize... It was all me... But that's all over now... I love you so much..." he said. He suddenly noticed that he was getting mud and blood all over her. "Crap... Lucy I'm getting blood all over you... I'd better clean up..." he said, surprising her with his concern over the state of her clothes and house. He struggled to his feet and slowly headed for the bathroom, wincing as some muscle or injury pained him. She giggled at the look of surprise on his face when he turned around to find her closing the bathroom door behind her after she followed him.

"You're exhausted... Let me help you," she said, smiling at him warmly. He blushed a little but nodded. He slowly stripped out of his ruined clothes as she filled the bath. Out of the corner of her eye she saw just he beat up he was... There was hardly an undamaged patch of skin on his body and only the parts that had been covered by his clothes were mostly untouched by grime. Even as she took in his sorry state she felt her body respond to the sight of him... Her eyes hungrily moved over his toned skin and hard muscle...lingering on his length, which was semi-erect as he stood there, watching her fill the bath.

"Lucy?" he said questioningly as she absentmindedly ran her hand through the hot water. She was yanked out of her reverie as she realized that the tub was almost full. She hurriedly shut off the water and hoped that he hadn't caught her staring. She moved out of the way as he stepped over the edge into the tub, sighing as the warm water enveloped him. Lucy hurriedly shed her clothing as well and waited by the side of the tub for him to fully settle into the bath. His eyes were closed and he apparently hadn't noticed her moving.

"Natsu..." she whispered quietly, shyly covering herself as she waited for his attention. He opened his eyes slowly and turned them on her. He inhaled sharply when he saw that she was naked.

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