Chapter 16

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Two Days Till Lucy's Date

Natsu's POV

This was the part of the training that he had been dreading the most...

Natsu felt very uncomfortable as he sat in front of the group in charge of the third part of his training. They were all in a huddle, whispering to each other and occasionally looking over at him. He really didn't like the looks they were giving him...

The group was made up of Levy, Mirajane, Lisanna, Evergreen, and Freeed... Although there was an extra person who seemed to want to get in on the fun... Cana.

They looked over at him one final time, nodding their heads. Finally they broke apart and came over to where he was sitting in a far corner of the guild.

"Alright Natsu, we have our plan!" said Mira excitedly, while Levy and Lisanna giggled excitedly. The fire dragonslayer had a hunch that there would be lots of giggling all day... He had a really bad feeling about this...

"So... What are we going to do?" he said hesitantly, certain that his day was about to get completely confusing and embarrassing.

"Well first of all we're going to have to relocate," said Freed. "I don't think that we want Lucy coming over and investigating what we are doing." The rest of the group nodded in agreement, Natsu doing so with a great deal of vigor.

"Alrightie then, let's go!" said Cana happily, grabbing Natsu by the arm and dragging him out of the guild. "We're going to make a special exception for today and let you and Freed into Fairy Hills. Juvia, Erza, Gray, and Happy are keeping Lucy distracted today and they agreed to keep her out of the dorm for the day, so there's no chance of her barging in!"

Natsu couldn't get a word in as they began chattering amongst themselves.

"Oh Mira we need to take him shopping as well," said Lisanna excitedly. "If he's going to crash Lucy's date and confess he's gotta look sharp!"

"Oh you're so right! He can't just show up in what he always wears, that's not romantic at all. He'll definitely need our help. We'll make him look so handsome!" gushed the 'She-Devil.' Natsu really thought that the nickname was fitting...especially when Mira had that deviously excited look on her face...

"It's going to be quite a challenge to teach Natsu proper etiquette..." sighed Freed. "We really can't have him acting like a wild animal."

"Lucy for us we got a little info from miss Lucy yesterday on what she likes and doesn't like in a man," said Evergreen, a worrying smile on her face. "We know exactly what kind of rogue-ish behavior Lucy thinks Natsu would exhibit on a date, so it'll be easy to instruct him on what not to do!" Natsu was utterly confused at this.

"Wait hold up! What did you do yesterday? You didn't tell her anything did you?" exclaimed the poor pyro, beginning to panic a little. Levy laughed and shook her head, not seeing the warning look that Mira had given to Evergreen and the one that the take-over mage was directing at her now.

"Don't worry Natsu we didn't give anything away," she said, trying to suppress her giggles. Natsu's look of confusion deepened as he saw that Mira was frantically motioning for Levy to stop talking. The little woman apparently didn't see because she continued. "Juvia brought up the subject of how different you are from Darius and Lu kinda spilled the beans about the kinds of things that she thinks you'd do on a date."

Mira's hand clapped over Levy's mouth and the blunette squeaked in surprise. The white haired woman was looking nervous and was quickly trying to change she subject.

"Yeah yeah, they were just casually talking about what they liked and disliked men to do!" she said loudly, obviously hoping that Natsu hadn't been paying too much attention to what Levy and Evergreen had said. Natsu had been paying attention; very close attention.

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