Chapter 5

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Natsu's POV

Natsu's meeting with Levy didn't last nearly as long as he had thought it would. As he told her about his emotional confusion he felt his eyes beginning to drool and complete and utter exhaustion threatened to overwhelm him. The mental stress of the day combined with his return from a week-long mission and training with Romeo was taking its toll on the dragonslayer. He tried his hardest to stifle a yawn as he finished speaking. Levy gave him a gentle smile.

"You look exhausted Natsu," she said. Natsu had to admit that he really was exhausted. He wasn't used to worrying about his emotions and he hadn't realized how draining it could be. "How about we save this for tomorrow? The mind doesn't function as well while tired so it'll be better for us to talk when you've rested."

Natsu nodded dully and yawned. He really did need sleep. He rose to his feet and began to get out the window when Levy spoke behind him.

Levy's POV

Poor guy is worn out.

Levy's face had a little smile on it as she watched Natsu drag himself up from the floor. She knew that he was confused and tired and she really did think that it would be better for him to rest before really getting into working out his feelings. He blinked wearily, putting her in mind of a child up past their bedtime and desperately trying to stay awake. He started towards the window but she called him back.

"Woah there Natsu, just a couple more things," she said, her smile widening as she saw the exasperated look on his face. "I promise it won't take more than a few minutes."

"What is it?" he grumbled, but didn't take any further steps towards the window.

"Well firstly we need to decide where to meet up to talk about this tomorrow," said Levy, and Natsu nodded when he saw the sense in this. "How about the library? And before you grumble about how I always want to go to the library, remember that the library is full of books that could help you figure this situation out."

The man grumbled again but agreed that what she said made sense.

"Also..." began Levy, a sly smile threatening to reveal itself on her lips. She walked over to one of her bookshelves and carefully selected one of the books. She handed it to Natsu. "This may help with the...physical....confusion that you're having." Natsu blinked slowly at her but didn't question what she said, he was too tired.

"Mkay Levy, thanks a lot. I'll meet you in the library tomorrow morning," he mumbled sleepily and exited via the window.

After he'd left Levy finally released the squeal that she'd been suppressing ever since Natsu had admitted his potential feelings for her best friend. She jumped up and down and even did a little happy dance. Lucy had been telling her for ages in private about her feelings for the pink-haired dragonslayer and now it seemed as if soon Lucy would finally be getting what she wanted.

Levy was determined to help Natsu realize that he was madly in love with Lucy, and she couldn't wait for the next day. She smirked a little to herself when she thought about the book she had given Natsu before he had left.

Now Levy was in every way a polite, gentle lady. But even ladies can have a mischievous side. She would never admit it to anyone but a select few, but she had amassed quite a collection of romantic novels. Some she had found on her own and some she had gotten from Erza, who had a particular interest for them. One of the more...mature...books happened to now be in the hand of a certain fire dragonslayer... She thought that just this once she could trust Natsu not to go about blabbing to everyone about what kind of books she owned.

It won't hurt to give him a little bit of a push...

Levy knew that men's brains had a direct link to their more private areas. She planned on using that link to help Natsu on his way to admitting his love for Lucy. After all, girls had to look out for each other and help each other out. She was definitely doing Lucy a favor.

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