Chapter 6

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Lucy's POV

Bright sunlight filtered in through Lucy's open window and she stirred when it fell across her face. She groaned and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She had not slept well. Her dreams had been strange, filled with whispers that she couldn't make out and strange sensations. Everything had been so vivid. She had almost thought that it wasn't a dream. She lay on her back and stared up at the ceiling, the last thing that she had heard in her dream still clear in her mind. It had been barely a whisper, but this was the only thing that she'd been able to clearly make out during the whole dream.

I love you Lucy...

The voice had sounded so familiar... Whoever the speaker was had spoken with so much sincerity and passion that she had no doubt that whoever it was loved and treasured her more than anything. More even than their own life.

But it was just a dream.

It was only with slight disappointment that Lucy dismissed the dream and rose from her bed. She couldn't let herself mope over a little dream.

Lucy dressed quickly and paused as she entered her little kitchen. She really didn't feel like cooking anything that morning so she decided that she'd go to the guild for breakfast. Grabbing her whip and keys, she exited her apartment and started heading towards the Fairy Tail guildhall.

She could very faintly see her breath in the crisp morning air, but she could tell that it was going to be a beautiful day. She smiled absently as she walked through the streets of Magnolia, enjoying the feeling of not having to go on a job for a while. Their last job had paid enough that she had about two whole months before she would need to go on another for rent money. Lucy was looking forward to having some down time.

I'll actually have time to get some work done on my novel!

Lucy brightened at that thought and increased her pace. The thought of actually being able to have some personal time had energized her and she was eager to tell Levy that she'd soon have some new material to read.

It was still fairly early when she arrived at the guild so she hadn't expected to find Levy already there. She blunette was sitting at a table deeply immersed in one of the many books piled in front of her. She looked up as Lucy approached and her face lit up in excitement.

"Oh Lucy! It's rare to see you here so early!" said Levy, marking her page and setting the book down. She seemed to be quivering with excitement. Lucy wondered why she seemed to be so excited this early in the morning.

"Well the sun woke me up and I was hungry so I figured that I would come in to the guild early. I'm set on rent for the next few months so I thought I would eat and then go shopping for a while. I need to get more reference material since I'll actually have the time to work on my novel," said Lucy. Levy perked up even more at the mention of Lucy's novel.

"I can't wait! I'm really interested in seeing what happens next," she squealed. She leapt to her feet and hugged Lucy tightly, startling the blonde.

"Jeez Levy its just the rough draft, nothing to get so excited about. What's gotten into you?" she queried, giving the smaller woman a puzzled look. Levy only grinned and shook her head.

"Oh nothing, nothing. I just got some really exciting news last night and I'm feeling really happy today," she said. Lucy eyed her suspiciously.

"Alright if you say so," she muttered and walked over to the bar where Mira was cleaning plates. "Good morning Mira! Would you mind whipping me up a little something for breakfast?"

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