Chapter 22

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Lucy's POV

Lucy gently stirred as the sun's warm light fell across her face. She was so very warm and comfortable in her bed... The celestial mage felt completely at peace as she lay there...

As she slowly struggled out of her deep sleep she became more aware of her surroundings. Her cheeks flushed when she noticed the arm wrapped tightly around her bare waist and the warm feeling of skin on her back. Natsu... A loving smile graced her lips as she felt him nuzzle her hair in his sleep, murmuring her name quietly. Lucy carefully brought her hand up to look at her guild mark, not wanting to wake the sleeping dragonslayer. Her heart swelled happily as she looked at the little golden dragon in the center of her pink Fairy Tail mark. She and Natsu were mated now...

"Cute little guy isn't he?" rumbled Natsu, making her start a little. Apparently her movements had woken him up after all.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" she asked, giggling a little as he squeezed her tighter to his chest. She reddened as his hand brushed gently across her stomach and he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

"No... I was awake a while ago... I just wanted to stay like this for a while," he purred, nuzzling her again. "You're adorable when you're asleep..." Lucy blushed again and squeaked when he turned her around to face him. Her embarrassment vanished when he pressed his lips to hers in a warm good morning kiss. The world melted around her and the focused solely on him as they kissed for a short while. When they broke apart she smiled at him.

"Natsu..." she whispered, stroking her thumb across his cheek. A rumbling purr emanated from his chest and his eyes closed at her touch, making her giggle again. "I love you..." The fire dragonslayer rubbed his nose against hers before kissing the tip of it.

"I love you too Luce... So, should we get up and go to the guild? I'm sure everyone is dying to know what happened after they left..." he said. Lucy flushed at the memory and groaned. She had no doubt that they'd be pestered endlessly... The other women in the guild would be a particular nightmare... They'd probably whisk her away to get all the dirty details the moment they walked through the doors...

"I suppose it'd be better to get it over with quickly..." she sighed, wriggling out of his arms causing him to grumble in disappointment. She giggled as he pouted up at her. "You're the one who suggested us going to the guild," she teased, winking at him. His eyes darkened and a wicked smile split his lips as he snagged her wrist and tugged her back down to the bed. Lucy blushed and her heart pounded when his lips brushed against her neck...

"I meant in like an hour or so... Maybe two..." her mate growled, making her heart flutter...

Natsu's POV

They did eventually leave Lucy's apartment. After about three hours. Now that he had her, Natsu was intent on making up for lost time... After the third round she had finally managed to pull her clothes on before he could get at her again, and had refrained from ripping them off of her when she threatened to cut him off completely. He grinned as images of that morning flashed through his head... He had given Lucy a lot of love... And he still had so much more...

Now they were walking down the busy streets of Magnolia, hand in hand. Apparently many of the townsfolk had had the same views of their guildmates, as they were constantly getting cheers and congratulations as people saw them together.

"About time the two of you got together!" said the saleswoman of Lucy's favorite coffee shop when they stepped in for a quick snack on the way to the guild. The old woman was very fond of Lucy, who often came in to ask her opinion of the latest chapter she had written for her novel. Lucy blushed and Natsu grinned as he hugged her tightly.

"It was my bad. I had to get my act together," the slayer grinned as they paid for their food before heading out the door. "Don't worry, I'll treat her right!"

The happily ate their food as they continued on their way to the guildhall, content to take their time. Things were bound to get rowdy the moment they stepped through the front doors, and it was nice to have this peace beforehand.

"Well... Here we go!" said Natsu as he put his hand on the front door of the guild. He couldn't help the huge grin as he looked at Lucy's blushing face. He took her hand and pushed the door open...


It felt like a physical blow as the guild erupted with noise. Everyone in the guild was on their feet cheering as the new couple walked into the guild. Natsu reddened a little at all the attention... Fairy Tail really was like a giant family...a giant...embarrassing family...


"So happy for you two!"

"You treat her right Natsu!"

"Lucy you two are so cute together!"

"Let's celebrate!"

Everyone swarmed around them. The women of the guild were giggling and hugging Lucy, while Natsu was constantly being slapped on the back by all the men. While it was indeed embarassing, they knew that everyone was just happy for them. Natsu grinned as Gray came up and fist-bumped him.

"Everyone's proud of you man," said the ice mage. "Just take care of her ok?"

"You know I will," said Natsu, his gaze softening as he looked at Lucy... She was blushing as the other girls marveled over the little golden dragon on her guild mark. Almost as if she sensed his eyes on her she looked up at him and smiled. The fire slayer's heart melted and he returned the smile, filled to the brim with love for the blonde woman.

His was completely and utterly happy now... All because of her...

The End

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