Chapter 14

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Three Days Till Lucy's Date

Lucy's POV

"Lucy! Let's have a girl's day!"

"Huh? A girl's day?" said Lucy confusedly. Levy and a few of the guild's younger women had just swarmed her as she walked into Fairy Tail's guildhall. Levy was beaming and the other women were looking very excited.

"Yeah! We'll all go to the bathhouse and then we'll go to the spa! We can get facials and manicures! Besides you've gotta look good for your man in a few days!" explained Levy. She winked at Lucy suggestively, making the blonde blush and hide her face in her hands. She missed the knowing looks that passed between the other women at the mention of 'her man.'

"Come on Lucy it'll be fun," coaxed Juvia. Lucy sighed.

"Well I suppose it would be really nice to get my nails done and stuff. Alright, lets go! Oh but wait, where's Erza? Shouldn't she come along as well?" she added, looking around for the red headed woman.

"Oh she's not here! She and a few of the others are helping Natsu with his training!" said Lisanna quickly, making Lucy frown. Natsu asked for Erza's help? Why didn't he come as me, I thought we were partners...

She felt a pricking at the corner of her eyes, a sure sign that she was about to tear up. Was he still mad at her? Did he think that she was too weak to help him?

"Lucy, are you ok?" said Levy concernedly, gently shaking the celestial mage's shoulder. Lucy fought back her confusion and the tears, her face breaking into a strained smile.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine! Let's go!"

A little while later they were stripping out of their clothes and heading into the warmth of the women's bath. Lucy smiled a little as she grabbed her bathing supplies. It was going to be nice to spend some time with the other women. Not all of the ladies of Fairy Tail had come along, but a good few of them had. Levy, Wendy, Carla, Lisanna, Cana, Juvia, Bisca, and surprisingly Evergreen.

"Oh man this is going to feel great!" said Cana, taking a big gulp out of the wine bottle that she had snuck in. Lucy giggled at her.

"Are you sure that it's not just the booze?" she teased. Cana stuck her tongue out at her.

They set their supplies down and settled themselves into the large bath at the back of the room. The women sighed as the herbs in the water soothed any aches or pains that they happened to have. This bathhouse was a favorite spot of the Fairy Tail guild, as the water contained healing medicines that were wonderfully refreshing after long missions. Lucy sat against the wall, tilting her head back and closing her eyes. It felt wonderful.

"So Lucy..." She opened her eyes and turned towards Evergreen, who had sidled up to her and was giving her a sly look. "Why don't you tell us a little more about this date of yours? All of us are dying to know more..." Lucy flushed and laughed nervously as the other women crowded in to listen in.

"Oh come on guys it's just a date, it's not that exciting," she grumbled. The other women all rolled their eyes and Lisanna made a tsk-ing noise.

"Oh come on Lucy, you know it's a big deal," slurred Cana. "You're one of Fairy Tail's most popular bachelorettes, AND your date is from the infamously gorgeous Blue Pegasus guild... We need details." Lucy groaned but she knew that they were going to be persistent.

"Well alright... What do you guys want to know?" she said resignedly, causing the other women to giggle excitedly.

"What does he look like?" asked Lisanna, earning some nods from the rest of the peanut gallery.

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