Chapter 15

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"Sorry I didn't show last night Luce... I was too tired from training... I love you..."

Natsu embraced the woman he loved. This dream world was truly a gift to him. Even though he couldn't see her right now in the real world, he was still able to see her here. He would have gone mad if it weren't for these dreams. He felt her giggle a little and wrap her arms around his waste, hugging him tightly. It felt like heaven.

"Silly Natsu. I don't mind waiting on you," she said sweetly. She really loved this young man. Just seeing him filled her heart with happiness. "Did your training go well today?"

She smiled as Natsu nodded at her.

"It went great. I finally managed to get my jealousy under control! I couldn't have done it without the others though... They told me some stuff that really helped a lot," he said, and explained to her what they had said. She laughed her perfect laugh and smiled.

"I can't believe that Master Mavis decided to help you out too! They do have a point you know. Fairy Tail was my dream guild, and thanks to you it's not my home and my family," she said, laying her head on his chest and listening to the sound of his heartbeat. "If it wasn't for you I'd still be all alone. I wouldn't be half the mage I am today."

"You'd still be an amazing mage even if you weren't in Fairy Tail," scoffed Natsu. "There isn't a single woman in all of Fiore with as much compassion and strength as you. Well Erza and Mira might have you bet in physical strength-... OW! If ya'd let me finish I was gonna say that you've got them beat in willpower though," he said, grunting in pain when she knocked him on the head. She laughed and he felt his heart melt. He growled playfully at her and caught her lips in a kiss, loving the sweet taste of her.

Lucy kissed him back enthusiastically. She was so proud of him for all the hard work he was putting himself through. It amazed her that he was doing so much for her. It made her love him even more. After a minute or so she broke the kiss, giggling at him as he whined in protest.

"As much as I'd like to continue that, I don't exactly want to be standing in this gigantic blank space for this whole dream," she said playfully, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She looked around at their surroundings, or really the lack thereof. "It's kinda freaky... Nothing around us at all... I wonder if we can change it..." she mused.

"I've got an idea!" said Natsu excitedly, pulling her in for a hug. "Close your eyes Luce..." he whispered in her ear. Once she had, he looked around at their surroundings and thought hard. He wasn't great at this whole romance thing yet but he had a general idea of what women thought to be romantic. He willed their surroundings to change.

After a few seconds the scenery slowly began to change to what he was picturing in his mind. He grinned as he admired his handiwork.

"Okay Luce, open your eyes."

Lucy opened her eyes. For a few moments she was frightened, it had gotten much darker and her eyes had not yet adjusted to the change so she couldn't see. Slowly, her eyes began to adapt to the dim light...

She gasped.

She and Natsu were standing on the edge of a moonlit lake, surrounded by beautiful cherry blossom trees. They glowed with a faint rainbow hue in the dark. On the ground in front of them were a large blanket and a few comfy looking pillows.

Had Natsu really thought of this himself? She gazed about in wonder, only looking up at the fire dragonslayer when she felt his chest rumble with a chuckle.

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