what the hell man

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Be Dirk===>

You were beyond angry at yourself for letting yourself be tricked like that. He was a demon the whole time. All that bonding you two did was fake and now you had feelings for a fucking demon. You and your brother got out of the dirt about 3 hous after Jake and John left the abandoned barn. Well more of you and Dave were set free. The ground turned to quick sand again, but reverse instead of swallowing use it pushed you out.
You were currently heading back to the house. Dave was quiet until his question broke the silence.
"Dirk... Are we really demons...?" Dave asked a bit worried.
"No. I dont care what Jake was talking about -- we are NOT demons." You said pulling a fast parking job before getting out of the car. You were infuriated. You stormed into the house, not even caring that the door slammed behind you as you headed straight to your room. As soon as the door shut to your room behind you started punching holes in the wall, to the point where your fist was leaking blood. You huffed, out of breath, letting the anger inside of you slowly die down. You went over to your bed and laid down, looking at your bleeding hand. There were deep cuts and gashes littering your hand and wrist. A deep sigh left your throat. You laid down and stuffed your face in your pillow before falling asleep.

The sunlight woke you up the next morning, making you groan. You open your eyes a bit to see your pillow half drenched in blood. Another groan left your throat as you sit up to look at your hand. You see the deep cuts and gashes had almost fully healed over night.
"...... Dave! Get up. We're going to school..." You mumbled, going over to your brothers room to wake him. When you open the door he was already up.
"Do you think they'll be at school...?" Dave asked you as he looked down at his shoes.
"Of course they won't. They would be crazy to... That, or just downright stupid." You say throwing him his bag. You go back to your room to change. "See ya, Hal. I know you're not on, but I mean, whatever. When I get home, I should have your codes rewritten." You say, grabbing your backpack and shutting the door. Dave was waiting by the front door with his plain face on.
You walked out to the car with Dave.
He jumped in the as you got in as well. You start the car, then drive to school. You normally would stay home but the school is getting mad that you and Dave have missed so many days of school and you really don't feel like going to court.
When you pulled up you didn't see Jake's jeep, so you figured they didn't show up. You relaxed a bit as you parked. Dave jumps out of the car with his bag over his shoulder. You laugh a bit.
"One day when you're doing that I'm going to jerk the car." You said getting out.
"I swear, I'd kill you if you did." Dave said with glare.
You smirk as you both head to class. When you walked in, Jake and John were not there, making a sigh of relief escape Dave. You just walk over to your desk in the back. You and Dave sit down and almost as fast as you did, giggle came from someone who just like appeared on your desk.
A growl left your throat when you saw that it was Jake. Your hand went to your hip where you have your hidden blade.
"What are you going to do, Dirk? Stab me? In front of these humans? I don't think that will work in your favor, since I can bend the image they see." Jake smirks, crossing his legs.
"You're fucking stupid to show yourself after what you did." Dave growled at Jake.
"Um... No. You came into OUR lives with that 'we are evil' crap." Jake said, shooting a glare at Dave.
"We haven't done anything to anyone, let alone kill somebody." Jake added.
"You might not've killed anyone yet, but you will... You monsters you cant help it" you growled.
"You're forgetting that I had the power to kill you back in that barn. I could level this whole fucking town if I wanted to, just to get rid of you. But, if you'll recall, I didn't hurt you. And I was even so nice to let you two go last night." Jake said, as if it was the nicest thing ever.
"You didn't have to." You snapped back at him.
Jake's eyes got a who new look to them -- an almost killer look. "Dirk, Dave... If I wanted you dead, you both would be. My cousin may not like killing people, and he may not like the sight of blood, but I have done so much more evil than him and let me tell you; nobody would ever find your bodies." He said coldly, his eyes going back to normal and he chuckled.

"Just kidding! I'm not going to hurt you guys..." He added, jumping off your table to go back to his desk next to John who was sleeping.

The bell rings, making the teacher get up out of their chair, holding a hat in their hand. "Okay, class, you all know the schools annual camping trip." She said with a smile, making some people groan.
"Man...! I ain't going!" Some guy yelled out. "Well, if you don't go, you will get an F for the semester..." The teacher said, mixing the papers in the hat. "Now, it'll be two to a room, so I have a hat here with some names. I will pick who gets to draw since if you all draw you get different people." She said walking to the other end of the room.

You felt a bit better, knowing you and Dave won't be her top picks and the chances of getting Jake and John are next to zero. Soon, she made her way over to John. Your finger crossed that he didn't pick Dave. John picks his name and didn't look at it, he just kept it in a ball on his desk.
"....Hmmmm. Dirk? You get the last one." She said coming over and handing you the small ball of paper.

You didn't have a problem with opening it because you couldn't have gotten one of them.
"Now" She said, picking up the clipboard and walking around as she wrote who are partners. "John with Dave..." She said as she wrote it, making your heart stop. Dave looked at you with worry on his face.
The tearcher made her way over to you looking at you and waiting for you to open the ball of paper. All your confidence left you as you picked the ball of paper up and read it before crumpling it up again.
"Annnnd... Dirk and Jake." She said walking away to enter it in her computer.
"The trip is this weekend, from Friday to Monday morning. We will be leaving the school at 6 am. Remember, if you want to drive your own car, just raise your hand so I can give you the address." Jake raised his hand along with a few others. Dave was one of the many to raise his own hand. "Is it acceptable to sleep in the cars?" He asked, seriously considering it.

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