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Be john ===>

Cold. It's so cold in here. You can't see it was to dark. they had injected you with something to block all of your powers except healing.
Someone opened the door letting in a blinking light.
"Look at you" the voice said walking over.
" IM DISAPPOINTED IN YOU FREAK * honk* " the man yelled kicking you hard in the ribs snapping some of your ribs. You let out a scream of pain.
" you're a monster but look at you now " he said calmly picking you up by your hair as your ribs crack with every little motion."
"BE THE MONSTER I KNOW YOU CAN BE *honk*" he yelled punching you in the face breaking your jaw to the side as you hit the floor. Your jaw snapped back into place so you could let out more screams of pain.
The man picked you up again " I'm going to break you so when I throw you back to your jake I will kill you in front of him to finialy break his little so called heart" he said tightening his hand around your hair.
" IT MAKES ME LAUGH THAT YOU THINK YOU HAVE FEELINGS * honk* " he yelled starting to beat the living shit out of you. It was about an hour after he stopped.
You let out whimpers " .." your starting to cry.

Be dirk ====>

* 6 month time skip *

The 3 of you have ran into hal a few times but he some how would get away from you all. When ever he got his hands on jake. Jake would lose all power like it was being drained. then he would disappear. The time away from john was having its effects on jake. He was becoming a mess. He never ate or slept. There were bags under his eyes. You had to go out to a blood donation place to steal blood then force feed jake.
The only time he became active is when we had a hit on hal.
Jake was laid on the floor he was to lazy to move. You couldn't blame him for this he is ment to have his other half. Jake and john are like the creator and destroyer. They need one another to function right. Jake not being able to feel where john is slowly kill him. It was scaring you for some reason. You walk over with a blood packet with a straw sticking out.
"Drink jake" you said holding the straw out to him.
Jake just looked at you with a dead expression then turned his head away from you.
You sigh then sit ontop of him forcing him to look up at you then force the straw in his mouth to let him drink. Jake lookes at you in anger but he drank it. His color came back a bit as he looked a little better.
" thank you jake" you said softly.
"....." jake just stayed quiet curling into a ball.
You sigh going over to your computer. As soon as you sit down jake flew off the floor clicking. His eyes were slits as he smelled the air. A growl left his throat as he ran out the house leaving you in the dust.

Be jake===>

'John, john, john that's his smell. I feel him where he is . Need to go faster go go go.' Was what was on your mind.
Your feet moved faster than you made them. The feeling brought you into an old barn in the middle of the woods. You let out a clicking noise waiting for a response. You heard light purrs from inside the barn. You snapped running in your blood was boiling. At the sight of john who was in the worse shape. He was beaten badly. He had a black eye, busted lip, many many black and blue bruises littered all over his body, dried blood on him. He looked broken there was a chain around his neck as he stood there looking down.
" john!" You called out to him as you jogged over.
John was yanked away from you making him choke.
"Whats wrong! " you asked stopping.
"...they...they gave me something. took my powers away....gamzee found out I could still he gave me stuff so I couldn't. " jake breathes as the chain loosens.

" that's right you monsters don't have the right to live" gamzee said from behind john. He steps out holding the chain. Your blood started to burn with anger.
" let. john. go" you snarl at him.
" NAW IMA DO WHAT I DID TO JOHN TO DIRK AND DAVE *honk*" he yelled making you growl.
" no you won't" you said in a threatening tone.
" ohh your right I won't, the high counsel will take their heads" he said shrugging making you confused.
"What" you asked still made but confused.
" OHH RIGHT YOU DONT KNOWWW * honk*" gamzee said with a smirk.

" know what" you asked getting more confused and angry.
" that your boy toy is actually an angle" gamzee said making you confused.
"HAHAH OH IT'S GREAT LET ME TELL YOU * honk* " gamzee yelled.

" a loong long time ago when humans, demons and angels were at war the creator and destroyer were born to balance it all out. They weren't on any side but they could pick a side.
The angels didn't like this they wanted to win and destroy the demons and human but they stopped us. We got angry so we told the humans that they were demons so they would hunt you all down. So in the middle of the war when we realized they didn't die...we...tried to create our own.
War, demons, and hope demons stepped up. The striders great grandparents stepped up. The great grandmother was the only successful one out of hundreds of angels. She had her god tier the angels weapon, she had demon blood and human blood . She was like the level 4s an extent after the war she was sentenced to death but it never happened instead she had her memories erased and was sent to earth. She had kids that had kids till it was the 3 brothers. The blood still mixed to this day. Your boy toys were ex experiments just like the older brother" gamzee laughs a bit.
"OHH KILLING HIM WAS GREAATT *honk * " gamzee laughs loudly.

"What..?" You asked a bit confused.

" let me show you the truth of that night so you can remember all the pain I caused and will cause your boy toy" gamzee smirked a black smoke forming in the air like a movie screen.

* memory played on the black screen*

Be gamzee===>

You watched the older strider as he hunted demons with one of his younger brothers.
" ...he is becoming aware of his god tier gamzee.....we need to do something " the female voice said from behind you.
" I know....when should I do it " you said watching more closely.
The voice with its superior tone scoffed
" as soon as it can be done " she said as her heals clack on the she walked away.
" WITH PLEASURE *honk *" you yelled a bit loudly. You flew down to the forest fast alerting the older brother. The older one looked your way as he made the younger one leave. He walked over to look right at you.
" who are you" he asked holding his sword.
" just your grim reaper " you said walking closer.
"AFTER YOU IT'S YOUR BROTHERS * honk*" you said growling.
" ..............wait....its because of the powers.....look...the small ones don't know they have them. ..only I do. ...if you leave them alone you can take me instead " the brother said making you stop .
" why would I do that for you" you said annoyed.
" because you can torment my soul or heart anyway you want." He said making you accept almost in seconds.
" DEAL *honk*" you said as you ready your weapon. You were not about to pass up his soul and heart. They are so unique and it'd be a waist.
"Let me have my last day with them is my only request " he asked making you think for a bit. His soul and heart are worth the wait. You agree to his terms leaving him in the woods.
You watched the rest of his day go out. He tried to get his younger brother to stop demon hunting but the small one dirk didn't wanna hear it. He wished death on him.
"Be careful what you wish for" you said biting your thumb.
The next few hours the older strider was more of a brother then he ever was. He took care of dave as dirk was in his room.
If only the dirk Brat knew his brother was going to die to save his life he wouldn't be acting like a little shit.

You watched the older bro make his way to his last hunt alone. It was a nest of level 3s. 20 demons waited for him. He didn't notice dave the smallest brother following him.
You then watched as bro killed of the level 3 demons as dave gets in the way. Now bro was fighting the level 3 demons one handed as he held the phone with his shoulder and dave with his other arm. This man was so...interesting. bro soon killed all 20 demons. He was bit out of breath. You look over at the clock its 12.
"TIMES UP *honk*" you said flying down. You appear to the brother who looked dead at you. He took dave off his shoulder.
"Bye Lil man tell your brother he is a lil shit" he said before knocking dave out. He laid dave on the floor leaving him one of his bracelet.
" okay lets do this" bro said as you jabbed an angle sword into his chest. You smirk as he was emotionless as you drive the sword into his heart. You killed him then collected his soul before dave started to wake. You flew up and watched as dave woke to see his brother dead. he started to cry as dirk came in. Dirk knocked dave out so he could cry.
"Humans....are so......."

* end flash back movie*

Be jake ===>

gamzee started to laugh at the fact he killed dirks brother.
"Oh if only you would have time to tell them haha" he laughed out.
You made roots curl around his body.
"Tell them yourself " you snarled as dirk and dave walk in from watching outside . They both look like they were going to kill gamzee

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