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Be Dirk ===>

You were currently on the floor being kicked by Hal. He brought you away from the house to beat you to death in the woods.
"You should've just left me alone." Hal said with anger in his voice as he grabbed you by the hair, smashing your face into a tree.
" Hal, stop it! I didn't program you for this!" You said trying to reason with him.
"Should've thought of that before you tried to delete me." Hal snarled at you.
"I was there for you during everything. You started to be weak letting HIM in, letting HIM take you away from what your goal was. Remember what the first thing you programed for...?" He asked and you went silent.
"DO YOU?!" He yelled, smashing your face into the tree again. The tree was starting to turn red from your blood seeping into it.
"Y-Yes... I do." You cough out.
"It was to erase all fucking traces of demons from this world." Hal said gripping your head harder.
"And you... Hah hah haha... YOU are all buddy-buddy with one of them! You have become weak, Dirk.. It's time for me to step up to the plate and take over." He said smashing your face again. There was a popping sound of your nose breaking as you yelled out in pain.
Hal dropped you so you could cradle your face as blood floods out of your nose.
"Actually... The first thing I programed you for protecting Da-" You were in the middle of speaking when he kicked you in the face.
Your body was beaten. You were sure he broke some ribs with a few kicks to the stomach. You couldn't see straight from your head hurting so bad. Your nose wasn't helping at all. Your legs wouldn't work like you wanted them to. You were completely defenseless.
"I'm sick of this game. It's time for you to stop breathing..." Hal said coldly as he picked you up by your throat. Hal started to cut off your breathing.
You start to gasp as you claw at his hand. Everything started to go black.
"Bye bye, Dirk..." Hal said.
Just as the world was about to go back Hal was ripped away from you.
You gasp for air to see who was there to see Jake tackling Hal to the floor and pinning him down.
Hal yelled in anger as Jake pinned him down.
" LOOK who showed up! It saves me the time and effort of hunting you down." Hal said flipping Jake off of him. Hal backed away from the both of you and Jake comes over to check if you're okay.
"You okay?" He asked picking you up and making you whimper in pain. Jake looks worried as he laid you back down.
"Just relax... I got this, okay?" Jake said standing up walking over to Hal.
"Oh, look at that... The monster has come to save the day." Hal mocked.
"That would be a first." He added making Jake flinch
"What do you mean...?" Jake glared at Hal.
"Oh? Are you forgetting your beloved ones who you-" Hal was about to say something when Jake punches him in the face.
"Oh. Did I hit a nerve? Oh I think i did~" Hal said with a smirk.
"Haha you think you can save him? What about them?" Hal teased
"SHUT UP" Jake screamed twitching. His ears started growing as his tail flicked around in anger.
"Oh, look... The monster's finally emerged. Oh, but he's only a quarter of the way there... I want the full thing." Hal smirked.
"But that's for another day.. I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short so... Why don't you hurry up and remember what you are?" Hal added as his hand starts to glow white.
Jake was starting to get angry -- really angry. Green and yellow smoke started to leak from his mouth.
His eyes were starting to flicker with black slits. Jake started to hold his head in pain.
Hal took this to his advantage. He charges at Jake with his glowing hand, aiming for Jake's head.
"JAKE! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY!" You yelled getting the strength to get up and run over grabbing Jake's arm at the same time that Hal grabbed onto Jake's head. Everything went white.

Be Dirk still ===>
You found yourself in a old home. It was warm out. You look around then sigh to yourself. You weren't in any pain somehow.
"Great. Am I dead?" You say as someone came running in the door.
It was a black haired boy who looked to be about 6 years old. He had green eyes just like Jake's. He was covered in mud as he ran in the house with an adorable smile on his face. The boy ran right through you as he ran to the kitchen.
"MUM! MUM! LOOK! LOOK! I found 'em on the ground. Is he hurt?" The boy said holding out a baby bird.
a young woman came from the kitchen looking at the bird.
"Hmmm... Nope! It's just fine, love. Good job! Why don't you get a box and some worms we can make him all better?" She said petting the boy's head. The boy leans into her hand a bit as a demon tail slips out of his shorts to sway happily.
"Heeheh! Thanks, Mom. Say, where's Jane?!" The boy asked as a girl with green eyes and long black hair came running out she was smaller than him by a few inches.
"JAAKKEEYY! Where'd you go!? I was so bored alone! Grandma's sooo boring! She won't let me shoot till I'm your agggee!" The girl said running up and hugging the boy.
"That's okay, Jane. Cause look! Help me find a box for him! Heheh" The boy said showing the girl whose eyes light up. She ran fast to get a shoe box as the boy followed behind her.
A man in his mid 30s came out and kissed the women in the kitchen.
"...Honey. ...." The man said in a worried tone.
"...I know.... It's getting to that time of the month where he'll need it again.... I will cook into his eggs in the morning, okay..? His symptoms are getting worse...." She said sounding worried as well.
"When will he be better?" She added as an older man, maybe in his 60's came in
" He won't EVER be fixed. He's a demon! He needs to die!" He said harshly. The woman glared at him.
"I'm not killing my son... He is innocent! He doesn't hurt a fly, and when he does he gets extremely sad". She counters.
"He is a monster and he will kill this whole family if we don't kill him first!" The old man yelled.
As he did, the boy comes running out with the little girl and the baby bird in a box. The boy ran up to the old man.
"Look grandfather! Isn't he cute! He is me and Jane's new pet!" The boy said smiling.
The older man glared at the boy in disgust. He pushed past the small boy out of the way before going into a different room. The boy looked down as tears started to fall down his cheeks.
He hands the box to the little girl before he ran out the house.
You were pulled to where the boy was. He was sitting in a high tree crying into his knees. This boy looked so familiar....
" Jake...?" You asked yourself.

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