all better??? ●~● maybe

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Be dirk ===>

You just fucked up big time. You let the words of a man you didn't even know cloud your heart.
"STUPID STUPID STUPID " you mentally slap yourself knowing jake will probably do that for you he seems to be good at that.
You take off running in the direction he flew off not knowing if you will run into him.
" JAAKKKEEE" you screamed running till you were in the deepest part of the forest. You happen to look up to see a broken tree with a few branches and you might as well check it out knowing he can't land for shit.

You ran in the direction to see a jake just laying on the floor. You ran over to see his puffy red eyes as he looked up at the stars.
" jake i'm so sorry I was an idiot the gamzee guy said something to make me not right......I let greed take control of me... dave made me realize I need to move on and I want to do that with you" you said leaning down to jake who just didn't answer.
" ....he promised me if i killed you I get to see my older brother....I got worried. ....and I just. ....I'm sorry please answer me" you said feeling like you were gonna cry but you didn't.
Jake sat up and just looked at his lap.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH" he screamed slapping you hard.

He just broke down crying as he pushed you over to just hit you. His blows got weaker and weaker the longer he cried.
" i'm sorry....i'm so sorry for hurting you" jake whispered getting off of you.
" jake I should be saying that I killed you 2 times and I did all that shit to you through out the time I have known you." You told him sitting up to pull him into a hug. Jake leans into you as he held onto you tightly.
" I know this is gonna be cliche but do you wanna go out with me?" You asked making jake bite you hard.

" ow ow ow owww!" You groaned as he pulls away and hide his face in your chest.
"....yes..." jake said softly like he was embarrassed.
" haha thank you" you sigh softly and yelp when jake growled and bit you again.

" bitch" jake huffed getting up storming off.
" didn't we just make up?" You called out getting up.
" fuck you " jake called out walking away from you with a huff.
" you can!" You called out going after him.

Be hal===>

You kicked gamzees dead body.
" you useless son of a bitch I don't even know why I requested your work. This new body likes to fight me and your off bettering your collection " you growled kicking the corpse again.
" I guess I will have to get my hands dirty " you said making your long trident appear.
" I am the queen of this world I will not be threatened by two fucking cowards" you growled .
You went to walk when your right arm started to move on its own. It jabbed it's way to the heart of the body. You caught it
" no no no you stupid computer built bitch this is my body now your not talking it from me " you growled making your hold on the body tighten. You slowly regained control of the body.
You look at the right arm that moved by itself . You make sure you can use it right.
" now I know when they say if you want something done right you might as well do it yourself " you smirked.

Be jake ===>

You had to calm down. Your emotions are going all over the charts. You were now embarrassed because he finally asked you to date him and you couldn't be happier but you keep hitting him.
You were now currently walking back through the forest to get home.
Dirk was telling you about what happened with gamzee after you left
" annndd thats why I was acting all crazy " dirk finished holding you by your hip.
" oh well it's okay I know the feeling....I would kill you to see my family again " you reply being serious.

" well makes me feel so much better" he said squeezing your hip a bit.
" well to be honest " you were in the middle of saying when a trident comes from one of the dark parts of the forest stabbing you in your stomach. It was thrown so hard it made you fly into a tree getting pinned to it.

You coughed up blood as you tried to pull the weapon from your stomach but you couldn't it was like your strength was being sucked away.
Your body healed very slowly so it couldn't fully heal. This was an angel weapon.

Dirk ran over to you to be stopped by hal.
" good job leading jake out here alone dirk" hal said walking over to dirk.
" fucking hal I don't know what your saying" dirk said readying his sword.
" I came here to let you see your brother you know I can take you there" hal said slowly walking around dirk like a shark circling their pray.

" DIRK DONT HAL IS" you said as hal waved his hand and you couldn't speak.
Dirk looked at you worried.
" dirk I can take you you already did your part of the deal. Gamzee said kill jake. And you did he didn't say permanently so I can take you to your brother" hal said slowly taking dirks sword away as he was deep in thought.
" but......I moved..on" dirk said slowly.

" no you haven't darling just accept it " hal said as you tried to desperately scream at dirk but nothing came out.
".....just to speak to him and tell him I'm sorry..." dirk said slow making hal stand in front of dirk.

" so you want me to take you to see your brother?" Hal asked.
You struggled best you can trying to warn him.
" yes" dirk said looking at hal.
" but I want to only be there to say goodbye is all I never got to" dirk said looking down.
"OHH HONEY YOU WONT GET TO SAY GOODBYE AGAIN " hal yelled jabbing his hand into dirks chest.

" have fun spending the rest of your after life with your beloved brother " hal laughed as dirk spat up blood.
" I will be sending dave so you all can have a family reunion in hell" hal said as he pulled his hand from dirks chest making dirk fall to the floor. Hal smirked walking over to you as tears feel from your eyes.
" I will keep that in you dear if i take it away your powers will go crazy and ...I want you to watch him die....I want you to watch once again all your loved ones die. After dirk I will kill dave in front of john then john in front of you" hal said rubbing dirks blood off on your face.

You tried to scream and call from help but you couldn't. You could hear dirks heart beat slow till you couldn't hear it anymore.
Tears were streaming down your face as you cried silently.
Why does this happen to you.

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