(after story)

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(This is  a little thing i just kinda wanted to make to make you have feels. Also im the car so ehhh dont mind mistakes please) 


" so like  we were  meant to be ?" Dirk asked sitting on the couch looking at the roof. It was about 50 years now since you changed hearts. It was nice not seeing  him grow old.

" yes " you said making him food. Everyone loved your curry but he was obsessed with it. 

"Why" dirk asked you

" the creator and destroyer are meant to be  alive through  time. God or whoever  made us wasn't  so cruel  as to make us alone for that time. We were meant to have a mate and have many kids that  would balance out the world so 3 kids each  for every 100 years but our kids would die. So we would watch  our children  grow up  and old over and over but they would leave a mark on the world so great. That how it was supposed  to be" you said smiling. Your curry was no Jamaican curry it was indian chicken curry.   

" wait you were supposed  to give birth to kids?" Dirk asked sitting up. Dave looking at you then  back to john   with curiosity.

" ..actually  no you were" john said doodling  things on paper

"Wait what no i have a dick"   dirk and dave said together

" you both  were meant to be  born girls  buuut  you were test tube babies who had male human, demon and angel dna put into you making you male" you said with this look.

" it explains  why you get pissy around  your time  of the month" you said smirking at dirk.

"And why dave is  a lil bitch" john said  with a smirk.

" um excuse  me " dave said to john who just got up and ran.

" i do not get pissy" dirk said pissy crossing his arms

"Its that time  of the month isn't  it should i get some tampons for you babe"  you said coming over patting his head

"You can lay  on the heating  pad." You said with a cocky smirk. Dirk grabbed  your hand  pulling you to the couch.

" god i love you" dirk said kissing you.

" so much...you're mine and i'm never letting  go again " he added making you smile.

" pay back time" dirk said smirking. Know You were about to be eaten up.

" wait  wait the food the food " you said as he   threw you over his shoulder .

" it takes 2 hours to cook untill then you are mine" he said walking  up the stairs


You were hugging   dave. You don't know why or how but you were hugging.

" i love  you" he said you let put a giggle hugging him.

" i love you tooooooo" you snuggled  into his shoulder.  You wanted this to last forever. You pulled away to show dave in his mid 30s.

" your so cute and small" he said  picking you up. He spun you around as you giggled. There was a dark feeling rising in your heart desperately  trying to to warn you. When he set you  down he was your hight but he was in his 70s.

"Careful now don't hurt yourself babe" you said softly  kissing his head.  When you pulled away you were kissing his headstone. The dark feeling was  taking over everything you were so lost.   Your breathing  picked up. As voices  in your head grew harsh  on their  blaming.

" john calm it's how it is okay...i lost dirk to..."  jake said as you open your eyes to find yourself in the house. Jake looked calm and fine. How can he be so calm  it is not  fair he doesn't  understand  your pain. What you and dave had. You couldn't  do this   anymore  it was killing you. Tears ran down your face as you yelled at him. Yelling at him this was all his fault  for being born first. Yelling at him watching his face     grow sad as tears ran down his face.   You kept yelling till the sadness  was replaced  with anger the tears were replaced with smoke. The more you yelled at him he started  to yell back.  Anger bubbles  in you.   Then you said it. The one thing that pushed  jake over the edge. At the time you knew what you said you didn't  care. Jake  broke   he let out a roar before he attacked  you in his hurt rage.  You fought back in your anger.    Every blow that he did to you was not healing  same to him.  Till you hit his heart.   He  looked at you tears in his eyes. His eyes held sadness  but  they also held  happiness.

" thank you" he said  as he fell limp in your arms. That's how it was  creation  out beat destruction  but in the end destruction always wins. Once  you realized  what you did you cried out. Your  body  becoming  weaker   as you clung to jake's body.   Your vision   went dark as so did your light.  This was who you were, destruction  it's  apart  of you and it follows  you. 

You    open your eyes in a panic  finding  yourself in  bed     wrapped up in the sheets   with dave holding you.  Your breathing  calmed seeing him there  you moved the sheet a bit to see your blue symbol  over his heart.   This calmed you from your horrible nightmare memory. You clung to him tightly.  He woke   to hug you back.

" remembering something  bad?" He asked. You nod hugging  him tightly.

" shh...its okay...i won't let you go ever..."   he said kissing  your   head.

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