oh no

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(ONCE AGAIN I DONT HAVE AN EDITOR IM SORRY I WILL COME BACK TO FIX IT i did my own edit but i didn't add all the fancy shit)

(please play the song when you get to the line

Thats when the lights flick on

It fits do well)

Be dirk ===>

The setting changed to Jake who was sleeping in bed. He was oddly adorable. His tail sticks out of the cover just ever so slightly as he breathed ever so lightly. All you heard were soft cute kid snoring until Jake's tail flicked. Jake opens his eyes to show green and black slits. He blinked a bit before they went to normal. He sat up and smelled the air
"It smells weird " he mumbled softly as he crawled out of bed.
He went out to the his parents room right across the hall from his.
" mummy daddy it smells weird" Jake mumbled going over to the empty bed. Jake looked confused before he went to find Jane who is right in the middle of his and his parents room.
Jake went in to not find Jane. Jake started to look a bit worried.
" mummy? Daddy?Jane?...grandma? " he called out going to the living room.
Jake started to rub his eyes .
" it smells weird out here" Jake mumbled walking until he tripped over something.
" ow what is that" he said as he hit the floor. he sat up.

( turn song on now please )

That's when the lights flicked on.

Jake had tripped over his mother's dead body as he sat in a pool of her blood. Jake's face grew in fear as he tried to back away running into his fathers dead body. Both him and his mothers throats were cut. Jake screamed in horror as his grandmother stood over him.
Jake went to go stand up when his grandmother fell on him. In her back was a large cutting knife sticking out.
Jake tried desperately to get her off him in fear.

" don't you smell it child" the grandfathers voice from the corner caught Jake's attention.
When Jake looked he saw his grandfather with a sick grin on his face. He was covered in blood as he held a knife to janes throat.
" the sweet smell of the iron. I know you demons love the taste why don't you Have a taste" he said sickly making Jake shiver.
Jake looked horrified
"W-why would you?" Jake asked
As his grandfather laughed a bit.
" because of you they loved you and that lead to their deaths. Loving you is what brought them this" he said coldly.
Jake's face grew more in fear at the thought.

" here if you demons love blood so much take it from your beloved sister" the grandfather said as he dragged the knife on janes neck making Jake scream. The grandfather threw Jane to Jake. Jane coughs and spits up blood as Jake tried to stop the bleeding.
" w-w-we still lo-love yo-yo-you" Jane barely got out as she died. Her blood seeping into the floor like her fathers , mothers along with her grandmother.

" come on Jake lets make you a corpse and me a killer" the grandfather said with a evil grin.

Jake clung to his sisters dead body as he cried.
The grandfather started to laugh at the sight
" oh please a demon doesn't have feeling now its time for you to die hell spawn " the grandfather snarled at Jake.

The ground began to shake as horns started to grow on jakes head. His horns grew out and straight up with Neon green tips. green and yellow smoke leaking from his mouth as his eyes go completely green. Jake's nails grew long and sharp as his fangs grew to the point where they were hanging out his mouth. He let off a green and yellow glow as his tail started to flick around in anger.
Jake let out a terrifying roar that almost blew everything around him away.
The grandfather was caught off guard as he was blow back. He quickly ran out of the house grabbing a stick of Dynamite he had got as a last resort plan. He light the fuse on fire before throwing it into the house running away from it.
In seconds the house blows and was incinerated.
The grandfather sighs a bit.
" my work is done.." he said softly.

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