truth behind the old man?

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Be dirk ===>

You were extremely confused at everything. All you know is that your older brother was actually proud of you and dave to the point where he smiled at you.
Dave punched you in the face then hugged you making you more confused.
"...can I have some water....and food..." you asked a bit realizing how needy you were.

" and a bathroom break" you added as jake lifted you up taking you to the bathroom. He left you to do your business before coming back in to carry you upstairs were food was ready and waiting. How he can cook so fast is a mystery. You didn't care much you just wanted food and lots of it.
Dave, jake and john all watched you as you ate.
" wanna explain to me why your looking at me like I was dead" you reply swallowing food.
" were dead......" dave said making you choke on a bite of food.

" what?!?!!" You yelled at him.
" yeah ....hal killed you in front of jake..... you have been dead 3 months..." john added making you look at your skin.

" jake put you in a crystal and you were just like the day you died" dave added with a sigh.
" how am I back here I know there isn't a spell to bring anyone back" you replied as they look at jake who just rubbed the back of his head looking around.
"......jake?" You asked him.
"The 3 months you were dead I kinda studied every spell book ever made......and well....made my pull you from an angels deal..." jake said looking down.
"An angels deal!?! The one thing that was said can't be broken? " you said shocked he would do that for you.

" ahaha.....what a crazed alone boyfriend can lead to doing" jake laughed a bit looking away.
" thank you jake...." you said pulling him into a hug.
" I'm sorry I made you see that" you added.

Jake started to shake a bit. You heard him sniffle before he hit you over the head.

" owew why is everyone hitting me!" You whined.
" because you were dead" john said with a laugh.
" yes you should be treating me with care not with pain " you defend as everyone laughed.

Be hal===>

" GGGGRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAA" you screamed as your smashed things in your room.
" HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW HOW" you yelled going over to a maid .
" he loves him?" She answered making your stolen body heat up.
You started to punch her and kick her.
" SCUM SCUM SCUM HOW DARE HE STEAL WHAT I TOOK FROM HIM " you yelled not letting the maid get up.
" IMA KILL HIM IMA KILL HIM" you screamed stomping in the maids head as it crushed on the floor.
" on top of that jake not only stole dirks soul but helped dirks older brother out of his contract so he moved on to the after life" you growled shaking off your foot.
" I hate Jake " you said remembering

~ le flash back~

" my lady the monster from the stories has been born he has set the prophecy in motion" a maid said as you watched the small child through a crystal ball.
You grit your teeth " no boy is going to kick me from my thrown" you mumbled looking at the grandfather.
" that human...hates the boy...but loves him anyways. ..I will use him" you said tapping your foot.
" by my lady we just were able to save your body this time if you jump to a new body you won't be able to return to your normal one" the maid said bowing.
" don't you think I know that runt." You growled looking at the grandfather.

You landed on the ground if the human realm where the grandfather would be located. The man was at a shrine wishing jake a happy and easy life.
" I can give that to him" you said walking up to him with your white wings out.
The old man gasps and kneels.
" I never thought my prayers would be answered ....if you so please. ...make sure he grows up safe and sound? He maybe a demon but....he is my grandson and I love him.....even if god won't. ..." he said looking down.
" I will all you have to do is shake my hand" you said holding out your hand.

The old man got up to look you in the eye as he took your hand. As soon as you made eye contact with him you body jumped into him.
You fell to the floor as your energy got used to the new body.
" ugh....old...but ...will do.." you said getting up cracking your back.
"Haha this will be easy " you said walking to the house. You see a litlle baby bird on the table in a box. The grandfathers memories show that it is jakes bird.

" die" you said lowly as you break its neck.

~ small skip about a day~

You had yelled at jakes mother about the dirt son which ended up with you getting kicked out of the house. It was currently night time and everyone was asleep.

" you hit me bitch" you said as stabbed the mother in her bed. The husband woke up to have his mouth covered and a knife through his heart to. You dragged their bodies to the living room where you have previously left the the dead grandmother.
" time foorr thhee topping of the cake." You said walking up the stairs to get jakes smaller sister jade.
You waited downstairs till the brat made his way downstairs.
You made him watch as you killed his sister.
Everything went as planned till jake lost control and ripped the grandfather your vessel apart.

~ end of flash back~


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