oh my god

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Be Jake====>

Hal had come up with a brilliant plan. His plan was to make and angel deal with her. She would call you to her deal making room since we couldn't get to her any other way. So the plan is to basically trick her into thinking Dave wants to make a deal a trade. John and his body for me and dirk but Dave will not be going on this trip it would only be Hal, Dirk, and you.

To your surprise it worked better then you thought it would. She fell straight into your hands.

" give up john you bitch" you said getting ready for a fight.

"NOOO" she hissed at you.

" you wont hurt me when I'm in Johns body. You cant you might kill him!" she yelled at you.

" yes I cant majorly hurt you....but they can " you said gesturing to Dirk and Hal. She was about to say something back when a man in his late 30s came out of one of the boxes that were smashed when she hit the wall. He looked very angry at her.

" YOU! HOW DID YOU GET OUT" she yelled jumping away from him to bump into another. This time it was a lady in her late 20s.

"N-NO GET AWAY FROM ME" the bitch in john yelled. Then the lady grabbed her holding her in a head lock while the man came over. The man put his hand in john chest like he was a ghost. The bitch screamed out in pain. A grey an pink smoke like substance started to leak out of johns body.

"...fuck...keep...keep doing that! Its....its forcing her out!" john managed to get out in between screams.

" they can get her out destroy the boxes " hal yelled.
You all took this time personally to run around the room smashing the boxes you see. Adults, kids, elders they all slowly emerged from the boxes looking not to happy.

" this wasn't the plan but it sure the fuck works" dirk said as he went to go grab a green and yellow box. The bitch yelled pulling away from the man and the lady.

"DON'T TOUCH THAT" she yelled running at Dirk.

"to slow" Dirk said before he smashed the box on the floor.

The bitch lunges to catch the box but was to late. She landed in front of the shattered box on the floor looking at it in horror.

Your grandfather slowly appeared in front of the boxes making you freeze. You sank to the floor in fear and in shock. Your memories of that night cane flooding back to you as tears ran down your face.

Be the grandfather ====>

You stand in front of the bitch who tricked you so many years ago. The pain and torture she put you and your family through was un-forgivable.

" Condensendence" you said lowly looking at her. Something caught your attention. It was a grown boy he looked a lot like Jake or what he would look like. You watch him fall to his knees and tears ran down his face. You noticed a long black tail coming from the boy making you realize that was your grandson.

"...j...Jake?" you said in disbelief. Condensendence took this change to try and push you back in a new box she summoned but a few kids came and held her down stopping her. You turn back to her looking down at her.

" let me get three things straight with you bitch" you said leaning down putting you hand around her neck. You start to pull he out of the body she was in.

" you do not fuck with my daughter." You said pulling her half way out as she fought to stay in.

" you don't fuck with my home" you said pulling harder.

" lastly you don't FUCK WITH MY GRANSON" you yelled pulling her spirit out of the meat suit. She was restored to a grey smoke shaped being.

" ÑOOØøøôo" she yelled her voice deep and distorted.

" me being and ex hunter will take great pride in killing an angel" you said simply. She yelled in anger as she tried to get back in the body she was previously in. A few of the other souls that were let out grabbed onto her.
You walked up to her looking at her where he eyes should be.

" I'm guessing you cant keep this form to long? Fine I will make it quick since you have dinner plans in hell." You said clearing your throat.

" I will see you in hell bitch and I will make sure we have a long...needed chat" you said lowly as you looked at her. The souls holding onto her slowly starting to sink into the floor. Long black hands grabbed onto them as well as Condensendence. She yelled , screamed for help as a few maids came running in. Condensendence tried to get them to help her but they just watched her get dragging into the floor.

" HƏŁP MƏ! " she screamed as the maid's just stand there with a bit of a smile.

" oh look at that I think its time for me to start dinner it would be a shame if I got all dirty" one of the maids said as the other snicker. Condensendence. Screamed and cussed at them as she was swallowed up by the floor.

Be Jake ===>

You watched your grandfather like he actually cared about what he did all that time ago.

Once Condensendence was gone some of the other souls started to sink into the floor as others glowed bright. One by one they disappeared only leaving your grandfather. He turned and looked at you.

"....Jake...I...I see you grew up well.." he said looking down but looked back up to look you in the eyes.

" I know you must hate me for what happened but...I want you to know I wasn't in control..... the last thing I remember doing fully was praying. ....praying you would have a nice and easy life....find a lover maybe have a few kids......then...then I remembered a handshake and then I got clips of my body doing things....horrible things ....what I did to your mother....my own daughter. ...to Jade... I tried to stop it! I did but I just... I have no right to speak to you or even be in your presence. I just wanted you to know that ...... that I always loved you....yes you may have been a demon but...I didn't care...I loved you even if god hates me for it..... I wanted you to be strong so you can handle the hard life you were set out for....so I would be really mean and cold to you.... But I never...never hated you... i remember when you would run around all day with jade and come back inside being so tired you would crash on the couch. I also remember always taking you upstairs putting you to bed"

your grandfather said as he started to cry himself.

" I remembered watching you shoot and thinking. .. wow...that's my grandson..... I wanted you to know that I was always there and I will always love you....and if I end up in hell....it will be with a clean heart..... because I got to see what a great young man my grandson grew up to be.... Your mother and father would be so proud of you.... And you sister Jade would be just as proud and always at your side being the trouble makers you both were..... your grandmother wouldn't have the words to describe you to this day....she would only smile and cry."

He continued with more tears and a smile.

" Jake you're a fine young man. I don't expect you to forgive me for that night but as long as you know I will always love you I'm okay with where I end up....I'm okay......"

your grandfather finished as he closed his eyes. His body started to glow bright. He let out a small laugh

" I guess I will he able to say sorry to them after all" he added opening his eyes to look at you his tears running down his face. He gave you a last smile before he disappeared. You sat there on the floor in shock till it all hit you and you started to cry like a baby.

" I love you to grandfather!" you cried and cried as dirk came over to pick you up.

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