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I was the picture of nervousness as I made my way to Mr Way's classroom the next Friday for my extra help. I wasn't sure what I was so nervous about though. It wasn't like anything was going to happen.

I waited outside the classroom while his last class of the day made their way out. When everyone had left, I knocked on the door and opened it cautiously.

Mr Way was leaning against his desk, looking down at his phone. As soon as I was halfway through the door, his head snapped up and a smile appeared on his face.

"Iero! Welcome!" He put his phone away, "Come in, come in!"

I smiled as I shut the door behind myself and came into the room.

"Put your belongings down and grab a chair." He gestured towards the stacks of chairs against the wall.

I did as he instructed and pulled a chair near to his desk.

Meanwhile, he had rolled his desk chair round to the front of the desk and sat down, his smile intact as always.

I sat down and waited, not sure what to expect. Would we run through lines? It was a bit hard to go through any scenes with just the two of us. Was he planning on playing all the other parts just so I could go through the scenes?

"Right, first things first." Mr Way crossed one of his legs over the other, "How are you feeling?"

I blinked, not having had expected that kind of question. When was the last time any other teacher asked how I was? Mr Way seemed to ask every time we saw each other. It was kinda nice, actually.

"I'm okay." I replied, "How are you?" I wondered if any other student asked how he was.

His eyes seemed to smile with his mouth. "I'm spectacular. I think today, we should just have a nice chat and discuss your issues. No use throwing yourself in."

That put me at ease. I always felt a little nervous about performing and now I knew that I wouldn't be today, I felt better about being there.

"That sounds good, Sir."

"I'm glad you concur." He seemed to subconsciously fiddle with some of the hair by his right ear. I couldn't help but watch as he did, partly wanting to mess with his hair myself.

I stopped myself mid-daydream. I wasn't allowed to think like that about him.

"Is there anything you'd particularly like to discuss?" He pulled me out of my internal argument.

"Uh not especially." I admitted. I had been hoping he would suggest something.

Luckily, he did have different things to talk about and we spent twenty or so minutes talking about my character's background and the best way I could play him. I found his different interpretations really interesting and I knew I would be using his ideas instead of thinking up my own. His were just so much better. Better than anything I would think up anyway.

"Do you feel a little more sanguine about your role now?" He asked.

When I frowned in response, he smiled and said, "Happy, positive."

"Oh." I felt stupid. "Yeah, a little."

"We still have a lot to work on." He stood up, his crotch right in my eye line. "Today is just the start."

I nodded and looked up quickly so it didn't look like I had been staring.

He was smiling down at me. It looked like he was deliberating something in his head. In the end, he headed back round his desk and said, "If you like, we could look at physicality next week."

I stood up as well and stood the other side of the desk, watching him as he attempted to clean up some of the paperwork. "Yeah, okay."

He looked up and grinned at me. I could tell I would never get tired of his smile. It was so warm and welcoming. Just like him.

"Marvellous, Iero. Do you have any questions?"

His way of addressing me suddenly made me think of something. For some reason I was feeling particularly bold because I asked, "Why do you always call me by my last name?"

I watched as he chuckled lightly. "Iero." He said it slowly, enjoying the sound on his tongue, "It's such a fascinating name. To be perfectly candid, I rather enjoy saying it."

I couldn't help but smirk at his answer. Obviously that was the reason.

"I hate my name." I admitted.

He gasped dramatically. "What did I say about the word hate, Frank?"

I ignored the thrill I felt at hearing my first name and answered, "It's a strong emotion."

"That is correct. By any means, you should not hate your own name. I happen to find it quite admirable."

I looked down as I said, "Some people like to make fun of it."

It was silent for a moment until I heard, "Frank."

I looked up and had to catch my breath when I saw Mr Way standing next to me. Quite closely, I might add.

"You will encounter immature and unworthy people in your lifetime. Many won't be worth your time. When you find the people who are, however, you will appreciate them very much and forget the ignorant people you had to put up with for so long. Also, this is high school. You're bound to meet some assholes, for want of a better word." He smiled when he had finished and I couldn't help but smile as well.

"Thanks, Sir." I noticed my voice was quieter than I'd intended it to be.

He placed a hand on my shoulder. "That is quite alright, Frank. For the record, I happen to love your name."

I managed to hold in a blush. "Thanks. Yours is pretty cool, too."

He laughed and dropped his hand, much to my disappointment. However, he stayed stood right in front of me.

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?" He asked. Some small, stupid part of me wished he was going to ask me to do something. I was such a hopeful loser.

"Not really." I shrugged.

"Sadly, I have a lot of marking to get on with." He shrugged in response, "How boring life can be."

"Uh yeah." I smiled slightly.

He smiled back and we stood like that, smiling at each other, for a few moments before he finally moved back round to the other side of the desk and said, "I don't want to keep you any longer. Good work today."

I hadn't actually done anything but I thanked him anyway and grabbed my bag.

"See you Monday." I placed the chair back on one of the stacks by the wall.

He was sitting back down behind his desk, shuffling loads of different bits of paper. "Yes, Monday." He grinned, "I look forward to it."


Good story? Bad story? Only time will tell.

-Beth :3

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