Break Up?

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I slowly put my t-shirt back on but stayed where I stood behind the stage. Mr Way was still staring at the door. I wanted to know what was going through his head. I was praying he wasn't going to call our arrangement off.

"Sir...?" I called uncertainly. He still didn't speak so I walked round the stage and picked up my fucking hoodie. What if she had arrived later or hadn't bought Mr Way's excuse?

When I had pulled my hoodie back on, I walked round to stand in front of him. He had his eyes closed and was obviously thinking deeply about what had just happened.

"Are you okay?" I asked. At this moment, I just wanted him to talk to me. The silence was creeping me out a little.

He finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "I think..." He trailed off, choosing his words carefully. "Never mind."

I watched as he went over to his desk and sat down, staring at nothing.

I followed him and stood in front of the desk so he had to look at me. "What is it?" I wanted to know who had interrupted us but now really wasn't the time.

He was in a strange mood. I'd never really seen him like this before.

"You should probably go to lunch early." He said quietly, opening his laptop.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to leave him on his own to think things over. What if he came to a conclusion that was my worst fear? I wasn't going to let him decide our future without me. After all, I was half of this couple.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I felt a bit awkward now that he had told me to leave. I didn't like disobeying him but desperate times called for desperate measures.

He looked up at me and I could tell he was deliberating it. "No." He eventually said, "Not at this moment."

I frowned even though I had been expecting an answer to that affect. "When then? I think we should talk about it." Leaving things hanging was never a good idea.

He bit his lip as he thought before saying, "Come back after school. Only for ten or so minutes though. I've deprived you of your home life for far too long lately."

He didn't understand that I would rather spend time with him then go home. I wasn't about to argue about it now though. Especially after what had just happened.

"Okay." I picked up my bag from round the side of the desk, "I'll see you later then."

He hummed in reply, looking down at the laptop screen. That was apparently all I was going to get so I left.

I spent the rest of the day thinking about our brush with almost getting caught. I tried not to think about what would have happened if we had been. I just knew that it wouldn't have resulted in good terms.

Another thing I was trying not to think about was what our talk was going to be like after school. He had said that it would only be for ten minutes. If he was going to break up with me, it was going to be like ripping off a band aid. I really hoped that wasn't going to happen.

I knocked before entering his room after school. I had waited for his last class to leave before even heading for his classroom.

He was packing his laptop away when I opened the door and shut it behind me.

It was silent as I walked over to his desk. He hadn't even acknowledged me yet. That wasn't a good sign.

I waited in front of his desk for him to speak first. If this was the end, I wanted him to approach it first himself.

"I apologise." Was the first thing he said as he finally looked at me.

"What for?" I frowned.

"For being so reckless." He packed his laptop into its sleeve and into his briefcase, "I realise now that I forgot to lock the door. That won't be an issue again."

"Again?" Did he mean that we were still together? I was certain he was going to break up with me. I had mentally prepared myself.

He frowned at me. "Yes."

"So you're not breaking up with me?" My voice was quiet. I felt a little embarrassed.

"Whatever brought you to the conclusion that I would do that?" He moved round the desk to stand in front of me.

I just shrugged and lowered my head. I felt really relieved but also a bit stupid for jumping to the worst possible outcome.

"Frank, that is out of the question." He lifted my head up again with his finger, "It was just a misunderstanding between myself and the door. Don't worry, I've had words with it."

I chuckled under my breath which caused him to smile. Thank God everything was fine between us. The way he had been acting earlier had scared me. He lightly kissed me on the lips before going back around the desk to put his jacket on.

Since everything was fine now, I decided to ask a question that had been bugging me. "So um... Who was it that who um...?"

"Rudely interrupted us?" He finished for me.

I nodded.

"That was Miss Clark, a Math TA to Mr Birch. She's only young like myself. I met her when I started here and she's grown quite fond of me."

"I could tell." I agreed, feeling a little jealous.

"I personally have no interest in her or Math whatsoever. I humour her, however, as it is the gentlemanly thing to do."

"I kinda figured you weren't interested." I felt like laughing in this woman's face or something. Since when was I so possessive?

He hummed in reply, picking up his briefcase. "Since my ex, I'm not very enchanted with women. As you may have noticed."

I smirked at him. "Yeah, I've noticed."

He smiled back at me. "I should hope so. Especially as my dick was in your ass last night."


Look at me updating at work like a badass.

-Beth :3

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