Small Talk

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For some reason, I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that Mr Way had a kid. It was just something that kept playing in my mind.

That was weird. How old was he? Pretty young in teacher standards.

I wondered if his kid wasn't planned. Maybe it was unplanned.

Wait... Why did I care? It all had nothing to do with me. I was just being a nosey little shit.

"I have separated you all into two groups," Mr Way glanced around us, "As I have only just started here, I don't know who works well with who. So, for now, we shall just see how it goes."

Looked like we were starting those plays. I was just glad that we were beginning a project.

I wasn't the best actor but I still enjoyed it.

Mr Way walked over to the other side of the room. "Other here, could I have..." And he started listing names.

Roughly half the class took their chairs and sat over there.

I was left where I was.

Mr Way was handing out scripts to the other group.

I noticed that Willow was still on the same side of the room as me so I moved next to her.

"I'm excited," She whispered when I had sat down, "Can you imagine him as our director? It'll be amazing!"

I looked over at Mr Way, who was giving the group a brief synopsis on their play, and smiled a little.

"Yeah, it'll be amazing," I agreed.

After he had talked to the other group, Mr Way came back over to us and handed us each a script.

"Now," He said as he handed them out, "Your play is one of my favourites. It's unknown but very reputable. I'll let you choose who plays who but if there are any dilemmas, let me know."

He told us that the play was about a controlling father and a daughter who had had enough.

It sounded really interesting.

The bell went soon after and I sighed. Stupid school ruined everything. This was the only class I liked.

At least I could come back during my free period. And of course, I did.

I knocked on the door and opened it hesitantly.

Mr Way was lying on the stage, looking up at the ceiling. Of course, I wasn't surprised.

I shut the door behind me and walked into the room. "Sir...?" I frowned.

He seemed to acknowledge my presence then, "Mr Iero... Come join me."

I raised an eyebrow. What did he mean?

I dropped my bag on the floor and slowly went up the stairs, onto the stage.

Mr Way didn't move. His eyes were shut.

I stopped next to him and looked down at him. I had no idea what to do.

"Sit," He patted the stage next to him.

I lowered myself onto the stage and crossed my legs. So many questions were going through my head but I said nothing. This was a little weird.

"Sometimes..." He spoke quietly, "You just need to take a minute and breathe."

I nodded, "Um yeah."

His eyes opened then and he looked at me, "I've had a stressful day, Frank. I just needed a lie down." He sat up properly.

I didn't say anything. I felt a bit like I was intruding.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Don't grow up," He said.

Jeez, he really must have had a stressful day.

"Ageing is an unfortunate side affect of living," He sighed, "And headaches just build up every year."

I still didn't say anything. I couldn't really relate with that, only being seventeen.

"Tell me, Frank," He crossed his legs like me, "How good an actor are you?"

I frowned at the change of subject. I'd never really thought about it before.

"I um... I don't know really. My last teacher didn't think much of me," I started fiddling with my hoodie sleeve.

He raised an eyebrow, "Well, I disagree with your previous teacher's views."

"You haven't seen me act yet though," I said.

"That is correct," He nodded, "But I can see you have potential."

"How?" I asked. How the fuck did he know that?

"You have that air about you, Mr Iero. Trust me on this one."

What did that even mean? "Oh um okay."

"Actually, I would like to cast you properly."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I could see you playing Adam." He nodded to himself.


"Adam is the daughter's boyfriend. I wouldn't call him a minor character though. He has a vital role and not to mention, a great monologue," He told me.

A monologue? Fuck that.

"I'm not sure if I'd be good at delivering a monologue," I murmured.

"Nonsense! The part is yours. You'll do very well."

"Uh thanks," I smiled a little. I seriously doubted that though.

He stood up and jumped down off of the stage suddenly. I watched after him as he walked over to his desk.

I scrambled up, went down the stairs and leant against the side of the stage, not feeling comfortable anymore.

"How about a trip?" He looked over to me and smiled, "Why don't we go and see a show?"

I froze for a moment.

Did he mean just me and him...? Of course not.

But... The way he was saying it...

"I'll choose a rather admirable play and take the class to see it."

My heart dropped a little.

Of course he didn't mean just us two. God, I was such an idiot.

Why did I care anyway?

He was my teacher, not a potential date.

"Any preferences, Mr Iero?" He asked.

"Uh no." It wasn't like I knew any.

"I'll see what I can find," He pulled out his phone and sat down at his desk.

I checked the time quickly on my own phone. It was lunch soon.

I grabbed my bag from the floor and put it on.

"Thank you, Frank," Mr Way didn't look up, "I must admit that I was a tad overwhelmed earlier. Talking has helped. Thanks."

I smiled a little, "It's okay."

He looked up then and smiled back, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Sure," I nodded, actually a little happy that he was now expecting me every day.

His smile grew a little wider, "Marvellous."


I haven't updated this in a while.


I'll try and update a bit more often but I've got exams starting next month so it might be a while until I get into a routine with this story.

-Beth :3

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