chapter three ➸ meeting place

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That night I abandon my form-fitting Jedi dressings and cloak in place of a fluffy wool sweater and tight pants, making the last minute decision to slip on a pair of boots.

I pull my hair up and avoid the mirror entirely, trying to be a little less conceited. I don't have to look nice for Ben. He's only my best friend.

I feel a sense of rebellion, knowing Master Luke prefers we don't leave our living spaces after dark.

I've never encountered the creatures that lurk at night; the ones he'd warned us about.

Still, sneaking out never fails to give me a rush.

I tip-toe down the carpeted hall, passing the rooms of my friends as well as the rooms of younger generations of Padawans. When I'm outside Master Koth's room, I childishly stick my tongue out and furrow my eyebrows.

I'm not jealous.

I hustle down the stairs, already noticing a figure in the Garden of Lore.

I burst through the glass doors leading outside, the soles of my boots pattering in the concrete. Statues of old Jedi heroes loom over me as I come closer and closer to Ben's growing figure.

Mace Windu


Obi Wan Kenobi

And, finally, Anakin Skywalker.

Ben rests at the foot of his boots, grinning when I come close.

"Hey." I smile, sitting beside him and crossing my legs. He studies my face for several seconds; my pale cheeks flush due to insecurity.

"Are you still worried about that man from earlier?" He guesses. I pull my knees to my chest and shrug, adverting my gaze.

"Yeah." I mutter.

"Why do you let that bother you, Lya? You're gonna be such a good Jedi. You shouldn't even question it." His tone grows hard, as if he were trying to explain something complicated to a child.

"Listen, Ben. If you just wanted me to come here so you could scold me like a youngling, I might as well catch up on my sleep." I sulk, using my palms to push myself up off the ground.

Ben catches my wrist, a shock shooting through my body, and I freeze, his chocolate eyes entrapping mine.

"Don't go." He whispers, his eyes twinkling.

After a skeptical thought I lower myself down on the ground again, shifting my butt until I'm comfortable.

I don't hesitate once as he places his arm over my shoulders, pulling my small, shivering body close. My eyes glaze over, the corners of my mouth twitching upwards.

I fit under his arm like a missing puzzle piece.

"Sometimes I wish-" he pauses, glancing down to see if I'm paying attention. "I wish... things were different." He admits, watching my face for a reaction.

I bite my lip, gazing at the stars as if they might give me a fitting answer.

"Me too." I sputter, my heart taking control of my usually careful, well thought out words.

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