chapter eight ➸ first order

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I block the last laser-shot with my lightsaber and remove my blindfold, staring at the training droid suspended in mid-air.

"Excellent, Lyra. You are dismissed." Master Skywalker touches my shoulder, and I smile.

"Thank you, Master." I say. I switch my humming blade shut and put the hilt back at my waist.

Ben must've already been dismissed and decided not to wait for me. I roll my eyes. That stupid laser-brains always expects me to wait for him.

I stop at the entryway to wait for Sybil, when Master Koth bursts into the room, causing enough ruckus to make most of my classmates stop in their tracks and also remove their blindfolds.

"What is it, Del-Naris?" Master Skywalker asks, looking both puzzled and slightly worried.

"Misam is under attack. They've sent a distress call. They think it's the First Order." She reveals, slightly out of breath.

"We need to leave now, then." Skywalker assumes. My breath has caught in my throat at this moment. The First Order. I've only heard rumors of them. We've never fought in battle, but I knew the day it came would be inevitable. Today is that day, apparently.

"The oldest generation of Padawan's, as well as the second are expected to board the Saran Duskweaver immediately. Go now." Master Koth orders, her authoritative tone scaring other students into action. Master Skywalker begins his trek up the steps, and as soon as he's about to pass me, he leans close as if to say something.

"Get Ben." He murmurs, before disappearing around the corner. I turn out of the Academy and sprint towards the Boarding Hall, taking a short cut through the Garden.

I rap on his door hard enough to split my knuckles. Ben answers in seconds, surprise written all over his face.

"What's the matter?" He asks, genuinely concerned. It's more likely that he's worried for my well-being than anything I'm about to tell him.

"It's the First Order. We're taking an emergency mission to protect the Misamai people, apparently they're under attack." I elaborate.

"An open attack? This is so unlike them." He notices, referring to the enemy. I furrow my eyebrows. How would he know?

Ah, who cares.

"We need to go, Ben. Now. Grab your lightsaber." I order, purposely sounding urgent. He turns around and scrambles in his room for a full two minutes, throwing up and kicking around messy piles of clothes to find his weapon of choice.

He'd left training less than 15 minutes ago, how could he possibly have lost it already?

He finally appears at the door, lightsaber in hand, exactly 3 minutes later, and shuts the door behind him.

"You're an idiot." I say, smirking.

"You know you love me." He pesters.

"Right." I immediately scoff, lightly shoving him into the wall with my shoulder.

"Ow!" He says. I turn to see if I'd hurt him only to be met with a teasing grin.

"I hate you." I blush, not wanting to admit that he'd caught me. His hand closes over my forearm when we near the Boarding Hall entrance and I freeze where I'm standing.

I feel his hot breath near my face and involuntary shivers run through my body.

"You don't." He whispers. He presses his lips on the hollow behind my ear. I let out a sigh and feel his smile on my skin. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but how good it feels.

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