chapter twelve ➸ stolen kisses

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(literally just a chapter of lyra and ben being adorable. don't worry though, the drama is coming very, very soon! enjoy;))

Ever since those 3 life-altering words tumbled out of my mouth, which was coincidentally locked with Ben's for a majority of that afternoon, nothing has been the same.

He's always on my mind. His gaze during lessons makes my stomach flutter and twist with wanting, and when he isn't near me, I can only think of him. And when I'm with my friends, I'm terrified that they know everything.

And because of this, I know now why this kind of love is forbidden; but I wouldn't dream of turning back.

In Ben, I've found my life's purpose.

Our lesson today proved to be especially boring the minute I realized that it would be a lecture.

Master Skywalker has barely missed a beat or paused for breath since he began his lecture hours ago.

I don't understand a word that leaves his mouth; my heart is beating rapidly, my cheeks flushed. Ben's presence beside me has put me completely out of focus.

Just as Master Skywalker turns his head away, Ben's lips are dangerously close to my temple.

"Our place." He whispers smoothly, sending chills down my back. I nod ever-so-slightly to show him that I understand that I am to meet him there tonight, when everyone's asleep, just like old times.

But even our place will be different now.

I bite my lip, forcing myself to look in the direction of Master Skywalker again, when I notice Master Koth's icy glare just behind him.

My heart freezes. Had she just seen our exchange?

Does she know?

"That will be all." Master Skywalker dismisses, and there is an audible collective sigh of relief in the room as my fellow padawans and I race to our feet, eager to be free from our lesson a few minutes early.

"It's not long now until the trials, you know." Luna reminds me as she falls in step beside me.

"Thank the stars. I don't know how many more lectures I can keep myself awake through." I joke, a small smile finding its way onto my face.

"I know what you mean." Donati sighs beside her.

"Master Skywalker means well, though, anyway." I add kindly.

"You know, Lyra, you've been in such a good mood lately. What's changed?" Luna asks, seeming genuinely interested and as if she's put actual thought into my change in demeanor. I feel Ben tense beside me, and heat rushes to my cheeks.

"Nothing's changed, I've been with you all the whole time! You'd certainly know if something changed." I lie guiltily, giving them a reassuring smile.

I'm instantly relieved when I realize we're on the floor of our living spaces, and I hurriedly barge my way into my room before they can ask any more questions.

"That was terrifying." I mutter to myself, before throwing my body into my bed with a sigh. I could close my eyes right now and never wake up again, I'm so exhausted.

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