Chapter 15: Coming Out

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Niall's P.O.V.

At lunch, I sat alone at a table near the bathroom. Louis is no where to be found. Thanks. Then a huge pile of people started gathering around. What the hell is going on? Usually I'm in the middle with Zayn.

I literally bite my way through to the crowd and find Harry and Louis, with joined hands..? 

"And if you have a problem with it, you can deal with Zayn and I." is all I hear from Harry's mouth before everyone starts to fade away. "Louis, what is going on?" I ask as I finally get to them. His cheecks were steamy red and his eyes were watery. Okay, you know what, it's fine to hurt me but, you don't hurt the only friend I have!"

"Harry! What the fuck did you fucking do?!" I yelled as I started stabbing his chest with my fingers. "Why did you hurt Louis?! What did he fucking do?!" I continued yelling. 

"Nial! Stop hurting him stop!" Louis pryed me off of Harry. "Harry just annouced to everyone that we're together!" My heart stopped. I immediately jumped on Louis hugging him. Then, even to my surprise, I jump on Harry and start kissing his curly locks. 

"Fucking finally! It's been forever!" I yelled with happiness. I'm so happy for Louis. Every since I've been here, he's done nothing but protect me. Everyone is looking as I attack Larry is hugs a kisses. 

"Congrats." Zayn said from behind us. "Thanks" they both said in unison. I can't stop smiling. 

"So Zayn, I assume you've told Nia-" 

"Shut up Harry" Zayn said supspiciously.

Tension rapidly grew within us

"I'm gonna eat now, byeeee" I said breaking the ice. What the actualy fuck was that about. Harry and Zayn were like brothers, they've never fought. I continued eating my third sandwhich and noticed that Zayn and Harry were talking in the corner of the cafeteria.

I creepily start moving through table to table to listen. 

"Why didn't you tell him?" Harry whispered quite loudly.

"I don't know. Something happened yesterday and I just thought that I shouldn't bother him about it yet." Zayn whispered back in reply. 

"What happened? Harry asked. 

"Nothing" he simply said. 

Then they both just walked away from eachother. I don't really know why..?

Hey guys! I am deeply sorry about not updating. I gave you guys 2 new chapter in 1 day to make up for it :} Oh yeah, can you guys do me the BIGGEST favor ever?! Can you guys please watch my friend's YouTube Channel? I really want to help him. He's cool and pretty funny :} He's a Guy Directioner too :D Please?! His channel is or you can type in KinzCookies. Maybe even subscribe? Please!! :DDD Thanks!! I'll update tomorrow again!!

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