Chapter 7: The Party Part 1

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After about 7 minutes of Constant Yelling and Pouting, we arrived. Louis didn't want to go knowing the "Douche Bags" were gonna be there. That's what Louis Calls them. The way to Zayn's house was really bad, I'm just Happy we made up. 

*Flash Back*

"Louis, do you, like have a crush on , Haarry?", I asked Nervously. 

"What?!?! NO!!!!!", He yelled back.

"It was a Question!! Don't Yell!!", I yelled back Angrily

"WELL DO YOU LIKE ZAYN?!?!?!?!?!?!", he questioned Back Furiously!

I froze and Stared.Tears filled my eyes. I can't believe he would ask that! I stayed Silent for a little while. I stared out the Window, holding back my Tears. The Rain crashed into the Window, bluring everything on the Other side of the Window. 

Finally Louis said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, that was rude."

"It's okay, I'm sorry too.", I replied.

We stayed Silent for a while. Then, he Said, "I ddo llikee Haarryyy"

"I know, it's Pretty obvious. And the way I asked you to come with me and you replied excitedly, I just Assumed." I replied calmly.

*End of Flash Back*

I stepped out of the Car. Louis Followed me. I stared up to his House. It was Standard Size and There were about 3 windows in the Front, 2 Stories, and Loud Music thumping out like Crazy!

Louis and I walked in. There were Teens going crazy! Drinking, smoking, Dancing like Idiots they are. There was Couple Drops of Puke on the Floor, which I'm assumming is Probably new considering it was Warm. 

I asked around where the Basement was, holding Louis's Hand so He doesn't Get lost. Eventually, We were Directed to the Basement Door. I was Shaking. This may be my Death. I turned the Doorknob and Opened the door Slowly. The door Creaked. I walked down the Stairs and Looked around. Zayn, Harry, Liam, I'm assumming the one next to him was Danielle, and some other Girls. What was Going on? They sat in a Crooked Circle with 2 missing Spots, for Louis and I? There was Bottle in the Middle. Oh no, I know where this was going...

"Hey, sit down, we've been waiting a Long time!" Zayn's Beautiful sang out.

We sat and Harry Smiled and Louis, Louis returned it. I looked at Zayn, he threw a Flirty look, I returned it. I might actually Enjoy this night..... 


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