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Do y'all really like these imagines or are y'all just saying yeah to make me feel good? 😭😩

I feel like every time I write a new imagine they get worse and worse that's why it's taking me so long to update.

I think so hard and when I think too hard the shit just comes out shitty to me.

Can y'all give me y'all honest opinion.?

What do you guys think about my imagines? And don't just say you like them so you won't hurt my feelings.

I want honest opinions. Don't be rude about it though. My heart can't take that pain.

Anyway leave me feedback.

But in the meantime I've got to go Aug wants his dick sucked.

Be breezy ✌🏾️😎

Imagine MeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt