Chapter 1

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KeAndre was fighting against the Mutant Sandworm Mech. The mechanical arm swung at KeAndre making him fly into the air. He dive down towards the Sandworm and hit into it causing a big explosion.

All: KeAndre, no!

The screen went black...

"The Present"

Demetrius cleaning his biplane on his airstrip. He was surprised to see KeAndre walking up to him.

Demetrius: KeAndre?

KeAndre: Hello, kid.

Demetrius: It been a long time since I last saw you.

He and KeAndre high five each other and laughed.

Demetrius: Why are you in the outskirt of the city?

KeAndre: My ma let me come over to the city and visit my Uncle Freight Train.

Demetrius: Oh, I remember your Uncle Freight Train.

KeAndre: I brought some friends along.

Demetrius was even more surprised his middle school friends, Alex, Brent, and Elizabeth walked down the hill.

Alex: Hey, chubbs!

Brent: What's up, man!

Elizabeth: Long time no see, friend.

Everyone looked the same to him, but Brent seemed a big bigger than before.

Brent: Where you going on this uh?
Elizabeth: Biplane, idiot.

Brent: Don't call me an idiot.

Demetrius: I'm going over the sea by the way. I want to do visit different island and collect specimens. If you guys want to come?

KeAndre: Sounds boring, but I do want to visit island.

Brent: Yeah, we can even find Amelia Earhart.

Alex: Uh, Brent. She's dead.

Brent: What?

Elizabeth: She is long gone dead.

Brent: Oh.

Demetrius: Come on, guys.

He jumped into the pilot's seat while Brent, Alex, and Elizabeth sat on the wings of the plane. KeAndre took the second seat and relax.

Demetrius: HERE we GOO!

All: Woah!

The group headed up into the air...

"2 hours later"

They flew for a long time and noticed they only saw sea.

Brent: Where's the island?

Alex: Don't tell me, we're off course.

Demetrius: Don't worry, we're going to be okay.

Suddenly, the sky turned gray and lightning and thunder can be heard up ahead of them.

Elizabeth: This is so dangerous!

Brent: Dangerous is my middle name!

KeAndre: You don't even know your own middle name.

Alex: Come on, let's go back home.

Demetrius: Slight problem.

All: What?

Demetrius: I don't know how to get back home.

All: Oh my gosh!

Soon, they heard the loudest splash ever and turned around. They turned around slowly to see a big wave.

Alex: If we survive this, I'm going to kill you..

KeAndre: Dude, get us out of here.

Demetrius pulled the engine level forward, but they don't move. They stayed at the same speed.

Brent: What's going on?

Demetrius: I can't move this thing.

It was too late. The wave swallowed them and they was drowning in the water. KeAndre closed his eyes, he woke up right in a jungle.

KeAndre: *coughing* Oh, god. Where am I?

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