Chapter 12

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The boys kept on going when Demetrius realize something.

Demetrius: Where's the girls?

KeAndre: I don't know.

Suddenly, a bright light shone over them.

Brent: We're not going to Cloud Roads again, right?

KeAndre: No, I don't think so...

They disappeared in thin air. They ended up waking up on a flying rock platform.

KeAndre: The hell?

Demetrius: Where's our stone?!

Brent: We have been robbed.

KeAndre: More like what's up ahead us.

Far in the distance, they could see 12 flashing colors.

All: The stones!

"Final Life"

The boys made it to a huge circle. Right in the middle of it was hot melting metal.

KeAndre: No way.

They saw Alex and Elizabeth trapped in a dome.

All: Alex! Liz!

Alex: Vic got us. Turn around!

KeAndre turned around to see a dome captured Demetrius and Brent.

Demetrius: What the heck?!

The ground started to rumble when Prototype emerged from the melting metal. But, this wasn't Prototype. It's something different.

Vic: Well, well, well. It's KeAndre.

KeAndre: So, you're Vic?

Vic: Of course. It was nice for you to give me the Zodiac Stones.

Demetrius: You robbed us!

Vic: Yes, I did. But, the Drastic 5 helped out too. But, I don't need their services anymore. Enough talking, I'm going to crush you.

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