Chapter 10

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Brent punched Zyquane into the river.

Brent: That settles him. And we have our stone.

KeAndre: Great work, Brent. Now, lets head into this hell hole.

"Flame Jungle"

They ran when Alex and Elizabeth stopped. Alex found a turquoise stone with two fishes.

Alex: This must be the Pisces Stone.

Elizabeth: Go and get it.

Alex grabbed the Pisces Stone when she fell through the ground.

Elizabeth: Alex!

Alex: I'm alright!

Elizabeth: I'm coming down!

Elizabeth jumped down and noticed they were in an underground chamber.

Elizabeth: Where does this place leads to?

Alex: I don't know. But, there better have more stones and no enemies.

"Underground Chambers"

Alex and Elizabeth came across an empty room.

Alex: I'm having a bad feeling about this place.

Angie came crashing down in the middle of the room.

Angie: Alex. Gimme the stone.

Alex: Fight me.


Angie collapsed and Alex grabbed her by her shirt.

Alex: Tell me what's going on?

Angie: I can't speak of anything.

Alex: Why?

Angie: Classified by Ruler Vic.

Alex dropped her on the ground.

Alex: Worthless.

Elizabeth: Alex, there's a door.

Alex and Elizabeth headed through the door.

Angie: Worthless?

She said while still on the ground.

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