Chapter 11

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The boys went to a dusty canyon. They stopped when they saw Tyron.

Demetrius: I got this. Hey, Ty.

Tyron: Don't call me that, Deme.

Demetrius: Don't call me Deme, Ty.

Tyron: What do you want?

Demetrius: I assume you may have the Gemini Stone.

Tyron: So what?

Demetrius: I need it.

Tyron: Like I'll help you.

Demetrius: You want it the easy way or the hard way?

Tyron: I prefer the hard way.


Demetrius took one good kick in Tyron's face causing him to knock out. He regain consciousness.

Brent: Should we knock him out again?

KeAndre: No, we need to get some info from him.

Demetrius: Where's the Gemini Stone?

Tyron: Stay back! I can't stand you guys.

A purple wristband fell off of his wrist.

Tyron: What is this?

Demetrius picked it up and looked at it all over.

Demetrius: Looks like a mind control band. Maybe that Vic guy had attached it to you and your friends. So you can retrieve the Stones for him.

Tyron: Here's the stone.

He gave them the Gemini Stone.

Tyron: Wherever he's at. I'm going to find him and take him out.

KeAndre: Tyron, wait!

But, he already dashed out of the canyon. Suddenly, the ground started to rumble.

Brent: Oh come on!

A huge sandworm emerged from the ground. It had a mechanical head instead of a real head.

Demetrius: Biggest one yet.


Prototype sunk back into the ground.

Brent: That thing is crazy.

Demetrius: Hey, that must be the Sagittarius Stone.

KeAndre: Brent, you're a Sagittarius.

Brent: Yeah.

Brent went over and grabbed the Sagittarius Stone.

Brent: Let's roll.

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