Chapter 3

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She walked to the light and saw a long bridge that crosses to a darker and horrific island. She saw smoke and bats coming out of the island.

Elizabeth: Dear, god.

She turned around and ran back into the jungle. She didn't know that a mysterious figure was watching her from afar.


Soon, the four saw Elizabeth sitting on a rock. She was terrified.

Alex: What's wrong, Liz?

Elizabeth: I have to show you guys what I found.

Elizabeth headed off while the other just shrugged and followed her. They been walking for 30 minutes.

Brent: Where are you taking us to, Liz?

Elizabeth: Here.

The four was amazed at the sight of a long bridge that leads to another island which was more darker and scarier than the island they are on.

KeAndre: What the hell?

Demetrius: Why is there a bridge?

Alex: Well, I don't know. Maybe it was there to led us to a scary ass island!

KeAndre: I'm going to cross it.

Demetrius: You're crazy to do that.

KeAndre: I got faith in myself. I'm going to cross to the other side.

Elizabeth: You better be careful. Doesn't look safe.

KeAndre stepped slowly on the rocky surface of the bridge. He almost slipped on a pebble.

All: *gasp*

KeAndre: Don't worry.

As KeAndre continued he suddenly crashed into something. It was some kind of invisible barrier around them.

KeAndre: What the heck?

He tried to feel the invisible barrier. Suddenly, an earthquake erupted. KeAndre almost fell when a huge mechanical Kraken came out of the water.

Kraken: *roar*

Brent: What the hell is that?

Demetrius: Apparently it's a hybrid of a Kraken and a robot. It seems like it's no way we can defeat this thing.

Alex: Don't just stand here. Let's fight off this monstrosity!

Alex ran and pulled out a part of the biplane from her pocket. Brent and Elizabeth followed after her.

Demetrius: Why does nobody listen to me?

He shrugged and pick up some rocks.


After defeating it, the Mech-Kraken started to sway back and forth when one of the tentacles swung at KeAndre. He flew off the bridge and plunged into the sea.

All: KeAndre!!!

KeAndre struggled trying to stay up. When he sunk down, he floated to a nearby island.

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