Chapter 4

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KeAndre: What?

He grabbed his glasses and put them on. He could see that the island he was on was far away.

KeAndre: I must've float all the way here. But, I need to go and find my friend.

"Coastal Island"

KeAndre found a huge slab of a rock poking out of the water. It leads to a few parts of the wings from the wrecked biplane and up to the beach area of the island.

KeAndre: Ok. I got one shot at this.

KeAndre stepped back and took a deep breath. He ran then leaped from the end of the island to the rock slab and leap to the wings. He continued jumping from a piece to another piece and finally made it to the island.

KeAndre: Wow. That's awesome. Now, I need to find the gang.

Alex, Brent, Elizabeth, and Demetrius were walking through the forest.
Alex: We lost KeAndre.

Demetrius: That crazy fool was being so heroic.

Brent: Yeah, and he still owes me money.

Elizabeth: For what?

Brent: I don't know. I just want to say something.

KeAndre came run up to them.

KeAndre: Hey, guys!

All: KeAndre?!!

Brent: Dude, we thought you was dead.

KeAndre: I'm here, so I guess I'm not dead.

Alex: Let's get back to the beach area. I thought I found a shelter back there.

KeAndre: Alright.


The five made it to the beach. Alex walked past the wrecked biplane and found a heavily damaged house in the jungle.

Alex: Hey, guys. Come here.

They ran over to see the house.

Elizabeth: Wow, that's surprising.

Demetrius: Apparently, somebody used to stay here a long time ago.

Alex grabbed the door knob and the door fall in.

Alex: You think?

They walked in seeing branches ripped through the windows. Even a tree grew in the middle of the house and exposing the roof.

KeAndre: Need a little bit of a home improvement.

Demetrius: Probably an overhaul.

Alex: Come on, let's rebuild what's destroyed.

Demetrius: Everything's destroyed!

KeAndre: With all that negative energy, we won't get anything complete.

Demetrius: Fine. I'll go off somewhere else.

Alex: See you later, chubbs.

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