Chapter 7

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Tyeoyna collapsed to the ground, she saw the Aquarius Stone in front of her. KeAndre struggled to get up, she grabbed the Aquarius Stone.

Tyeoyna: Looks like Ruler Vic is going to be very satisfied.

KeAndre: (groan) Who's Vic?

Tyeoyna: I said too much.

She dashed off, the villagers circled around them.

Male Villager: Wow, you guys are amazing.

Female Villager: You're guys are like superheroes.

Elderly Villager: Yes, very kind and wise one.

Kid Villager: You're the Heroic 5.

Villagers: Yeah.

Brent: Heroic 5?

Elizabeth: I like that name.

KeAndre: I thought Team KeAndre was going to be a great name. But, I can do Heroic 5.

Demetrius: Besides that, who's Vic?

Male Villager: We don't know any Vics around here.

Elderly Villager: I know a man who lives in the Desert Tomb mentioned the name Vic to me before. Watch out for the inhabitants over there.

KeAndre: Alright, let's go and talk to the guy.

The five ran off towards the Desert Tombs.

"Desert Tombs"

They ran up to an elderly man sitting on the hot grounds of the desert.

Brent: For a big island, there's a lot of desert on here.

Vino: Hello, my dear friends from afar.

Alex: Friends? We don't know you dude.

Vino: Ah, you're right. I know that you're here for two reasons. Answer about Vic and the Stones.

Alex: Yeah. Can you help us?

Vino: Yes, the name is Vino by the way. My real name is Vincent. I know Vic or Victor. He's my son, his origin was different than any other kid.

Elizabeth: So, he had a traumatized childhood?

Vino: You can say that. He was fascinated in animals and robots. But, he likes both animals robots even more. When he was in high school, he had a project and presented a dog mech suit. And pulled out his best friend's dog and placed him into the suit.

KeAndre: What happened?

Vino: The dog was mutilated in that suit. The mechanical springs grind and slice it up. The leg support went straight into the dog's mouth and out its eyes.

Alex: That's so gruesome.

Vino: We had to escape from our hometown far away. We came here, but Vic lost it. He killed his mother and placed her corpse in a suit. Dropped her into the sea. And fled to the dangerous island on the other side of the bridge. I couldn't make it there, some force field he created made it impossible.

Brent: Wow. Obviously, he must've been the guy who released the Mech Kraken on us.

Vino: Mech Kraken?!

Brent: Yeah.

Vino: Oh no. He never released it unless he's serious about it.

KeAndre: So, the guy means business then. I thought he was more of a chicken.

Demetrius: But, what about the Stones?

Vino: I almost forgot. Those stones are the stone of the Zodiac. The destined person of the sign will find their sign's stone. It's powerful either if you use it for good use or bad use. One wish only. Vic is most likely after those stones to get that one wish.

KeAndre: This guy will probably kill us to get that wish.

Demetrius: Especially, towards us.

The ground shook and mechanical ape arms was rushing towards them.

Alex: Is that an ape's arm?

Vino: He wants to destroy the tomb. It has the Scorpio Stone in it.

Elizabeth: I'm a Scorpio. But, I'm useless against that.

Alex: Hey, what's that in your pocket?

Elizabeth: My ancestor's paintbrush. I always carry it with me. My mom told me it hold some magic elements.

Alex: Try paint in thin air.

Elizabeth: I don't...

Brent: Just do it or we're mushed!

Elizabeth painted a paint gun.

Elizabeth: I guess I'm ready.

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