Chapter 13

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The Sandworm started sway in different directions. Tyron appeared beside KeAndre.

Tyron: Take it down.

KeAndre: Alright.

KeAndre went and fought against the Mutant Sandworm Mech. The mechanical arm swung at KeAndre making him fly into the air. He dive down towards the Sandworm and hit into it causing a big explosion.

All: KeAndre, no!

Tyron: Damn!

When the smoke cleared, they saw a bruised up KeAndre with all the stones. Vic walked away from the scene.

Demetrius: KeAndre, combine the Stones together.

KeAndre placed the Stones in its order. They all started to glow brightly.

Brent: Make the wish for us to go home.

KeAndre: I don't want to go home. I loved the adventures we been through. We always lived the normal life. I want to venture out with my friends.

Alex: I too like our adventure besides getting trapped here.

Elizabeth: Go ahead and make the wish.

KeAndre: Alright.

KeAndre closed his eyes and everything went black. The Heroic 5 was standing on the edge of a cliff during the sunset. They smiled at the sight and this will start them a new life.

The End...


Vic walked into his fortress and pulled out a huge machine from his closet. He grinned and laughed out loud.

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