Chapter 2

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He looked around to see no one around.

KeAndre: Demetrius! Alex! Brent! Liz!

He shook his head and heard a voice from above him.

Demetrius: KV!

He looked up and chuckled at Demetrius hanged upside down on a tree branch.

Demetrius: Can you get me down?

KeAndre: Sure.

He quickly ran up the tree and grabbed Demetrius, both of them tumbled down to the ground.

Demetrius: *groan*

KeAndre: *groan*

Demetrius: Really?

KeAndre: Sorry, bro.

Demetrius: We need to find the rest to see if they alright.

KeAndre: Gotcha.

They got up and headed off...


Alex woke up and found Brent with his head into the sand.

Alex: Oh my gosh, Brent.

She pulled him out and he was coughing up sand. He pulled out an old sock out of his mouth.

Brent: Who leaves this in the sand?

Alex looked around and saw the biplane tore up. Pieces were everywhere, Alex was afraid that KeAndre, Demetrius, and Liz was caught into the biplane and died. Soon, they heard footstep, she grabbed a piece of the biplane while Brent got into fighting position. Demetrius and KeAndre walked out of the jungle to see everywhere was a mess.

Demetrius: That must've been a horrible accident.

Alex: Good, you're alive.

Alex punched Demetrius in the face.

Demetrius: What the hell?

Alex: I told you. Hey, where's Elizabeth?

Demetrius: We didn't saw her when we left the jungle.

Alex: She could've been anywhere on this island. We need to find her now!

KeAndre: She's right. Who knows what happened to Liz. But, we need to find her now.

The four headed off into the jungle. Elizabeth was deep inside of the jungle, she walked around the jungle to find an exit.

Elizabeth: I knew I had a bad feeling about this place. But, I need to stand strong and find an exit.

She saw light at the end of the jungle.

Elizabeth: Maybe I should head there.

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