Chapter 8

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Ape Arms had malfunction from the paint destroying the robotic system. Elizabeth was tired from all that power rushed through her.

Elizabeth: For once, I actually feel useful for once.

KeAndre: Liz, you know you're not worthless in our team.

Vino: And I grant you the Scorpio Stone.

Elizabeth: No way. You're really giving me the Scorpio Stone?

Vino: Of course, run along.

KeAndre: Come on, let's go.

The Heroic 5 waved goodbye and headed back to their home. Vino went back to sitting on the ground. Vic and the Drastic 5 teleported in front of him.

Vic: Hello, father.

Vino: Victor, what do you want?

Vic: I'm here to see if you have the Scorpio Stone.

Vino: I don't have it anymore. I gave it to those kids.

Vic: What?! Where are they heading?

Vino: I'm not telling you. Even if I have to go through hell to tell you.

Vic: Very well. Zyquane do you magic.

Zyquane: Yes, Ruler Vic.

Vino: You're a monster for mind controlling kids.

Vic: Shut up. Zyquane use your Flame Rush.

Zyquane pulled his arm back lighting it on fire. Then, lunge forwards and punched Vino into the Sphinx head. He fell a long way to the ground instantly killing him.

Vic: I guess if my father won't tell then manual force will be put upon him. Let's go, I think they're heading to their stay. Briana, go and call Black Ark and head to Seaside Resort as we head back to the fortress.

Briana: Yes, Ruler Vic.

She pressed a button on the wristband to call Black Ark.

"Seaside Resort"

The Heroic 5 arrived there and met someone they didn't expect to be waiting for them.

All: Briana.

She look maliciously at them and grin. Demetrius took a step back.

Briana: Where's the Scorpio Stone?

Demetrius: It's not none of your concerns!

Briana: I assume you may have it.

She raised her hand and like a strong gust of wind pushed Demetrius into a tree.

KeAndre: What the hell is wrong with you?! We knew you hated him for a long time doesn't mean you go off hurting him. He was already hurt enough from you.

Briana: Sticking up for a friend, huh?

Three stones hovered over her and she launched them at KeAndre, but he just dodged every single stone.

Elizabeth: I have the Stone, Briana!

Briana: Time to be annihilated.

Elizabeth pulled out her paintbrush and switched it to a bigger paintbrush.

Elizabeth: Time to paint the whiteness of your personality.


Briana's eyes turned red and she rushed at Elizabeth causing her to let go of the Scorpio Stone. They all tried to catch it, but Briana pulled it forward towards her.

Briana: Yes, the Ruler will be very happy with what I did. Black Ark finish them off!!!

Brent: Black Ark?

A huge thing with shadowy arms started to turn the sand black.

Demetrius: Are we stepping on darkness?

KeAndre: Apparently, so.

Alex: What the hell happened to Briana and Black Ark?

A fist punched them in the face. They noticed Black Ark was over them and spiked them into the ground.

KeAndre: Alright. Let's get serious.

Heroic 5Where stories live. Discover now