Chapter 9

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Black Ark started to wobble, but collapsed into the sea. It's arm was the only thing poking out.

Brent: Why that guy hates us so much?

Alex: I don't know.

A light beam was over them and started to pull them up.

Brent: Please, tell me we're not going to Heaven.

Demetrius: If we're going to Heaven, then why Alex is coming with us?

Alex: Hey, shut up!

KeAndre: We're going up into clouds.

Elizabeth: But, why?

Demetrius: Probably another adventure.

Soon, they made it to the top. The clouds was formed into a twisty road. Direction arrows pointed down the twisty road.

Alex: I guess we're supposed to follow it.

KeAndre: As a leader, I'll go first.

Brent pushed KeAndre and he started to slide down the road.

Elizabeth: Brent!

Brent: I had to.

"Cloud Roads"

As they was running down the fast pacing downward road. A huge robot rushed up at them.

Demetrius: Whoa.

Brent: How can we catch up to it?

The robot punched the road causing lightning to absorb in it and electrocuted them.

Alex: What the hell?

KeAndre: This guy means trouble.


KeAndre grabbed the Taurus Stone and suddenly, the road ended and they fell through a force field. They crashed on the ground.

KeAndre: That hurts.

Demetrius: Where are we?

Elizabeth turned around and gasped at the sight.

Elizabeth: We're in the force field.

Demetrius: What?

Elizabeth: That bridge is behind us.

Brent: No way. How is it possible? KeAndre couldn't pushed through.

Demetrius: Maybe the velocity we were in had may caused us to break the force field along with impact.

Brent: I don't know what that means, but okay.

Suddenly, Zyquane came out from the forest using Flame Rush.

KeAndre: Duck!

They all duck and Zyquane fell onto the bridge.

Zyquane: Hand over the Taurus Stone.

KeAndre: Zy, chill out.

Zyquane: Gimme the damn Taurus Stone!

Brent: Don't worry. I got him.

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