Chapter 6

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"Income the Drastic 5"

On the other side of the jungle is another island that is covered over by a dark cloud. A red hue can be seen all over the island and a plane came flying down and crashed deep into the sand. 5 teens fell and rolled into a tree.

Tyron: Ouch, what the hell?!

Zyquane: Why we was chosen to find those damn kids?

Angie: I don't know. They mysteriously left town.

Briana: And your guy's brightest idea is to land on this creepy island?

Tyron: Yeah. The obvious place is the most obvious choice.

Briana: More like the scariest place is the most stupidest choice.

Tyeoyna popped up behind Tyron and yelled.

Tyeoyna: The leader Tyeoyna is here!

Tyron: Gah! Don't do that.

Tyeoyna: My beautiful brain tells me we should head north and we will encounter some help.

Angie: Hope you're not wrong.

Tyeoyna: Of course I'm not.

Briana: Classic Tyeoyna.

They headed on into the depths of Flame Forest. Tyeoyna avoid every obstacle and hazard until they came across a man wearing a blue lab coat.

Tyeoyna: Sir, we need some help to get off of this island?

Vic: There's no way away from mind control?

Tyeoyna: Come again?

The man ran off and wrapped a purple wristband on them.

Tyeoyna: What the...bow down to our ruler Vic.

Vic: Hehe. Miss Queen, take down those kids on Longstead Island and retrieve the Aquarius Stone.

Tyeoyna: Yes, Ruler Vic.

She ignited fire in both of her hand and ran off. KeAndre and the gang ran into the village and met Brantzen and Zoey at their new business shack.

KeAndre: What's up, Brant and Zo?

Brantzen: Ah, it's nice to see you guys. Crazy how you guys made it here.

Alex: After Demetrius crashing us here and defeating a robotic Kraken.

Zoey: You guys are like superheroes.

Demetrius: More like saving our butts from death. Oh yeah, I found this stone in a test tube. I hope if you guys know what it is.

He handed it to Brantzen and he examined the stone closely. He noticed the three waves.

Brantzen: These waves look similar to the Aquarius' waves. Wait, Demetrius, you found this?

Demetrius: Yeah.

Brantzen: Isn't your birthday is the 12th of February?

Demetrius: Yeah.

Brantzen: You was meant to find this stone. You're an Aquarius. I bet there was 11 more of these stones somewhere. Maybe, you guys are destined to find your sign's stone.

Elizabeth: I do admire your crazy logical theories.

Brantzen: I admire your interest in my theories.

He said giving out a cheesy grin. Suddenly, a huge explosion erupted through the village. The gang and the detectives rushed out to see the commotion.

KeAndre: Oh my gosh.

Demetrius: Tyeoyna?!

Brent: No way.

Tyeoyna: Aquarius Stone sensing.

She looked around and stop at KeAndre.

Tyeoyna: You're KeAndre Varns. You have the Aquarius Stone. Give it to me or perish in my flammable hands.

KeAndre: Over my fast, cold body.

Demetrius: I'll step in with you.

KeAndre: No, I can take her out.

Tyeoyna: I dare you to.

KeAndre and Tyeoyna stare intensely in each other eyes.

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