Chapter 26: Suddenly..

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I hope she likes my surprise. I put it in her locker. I wrote her a letter, then put the necklace I've wanted to give her. I actually had to stop eating to save enough money so I could buy that necklace.

But the surprises don't end there. I'm waiting for her to reach the cafeteria. The next part of her surprise is there.

I'm currently standing by the cafeteria door. Anxiously waiting to see her. I'm excited to see her expression. Would she be happy? Would she be sad? Or surprised?

No matter what her reaction is, I just hope she accepts me. I hope she accepts me, even when I have feelings for her. I hope nothing changes between us. If she's not ready to accept my feelings I just hope nothing changes. I hope we can still be friends if that happens.


All my anxiousness were swept away when I saw her running towards the cafeteria. She stopped for a second when we made eye contact.

I smiled at her. My heart beating faster and faster. She walked towards me, and I can't help but feel nervous the more she gets closer. My palms are sweating more and more.

If only she could be mine. I'd be the luckiest guy in the world, but sadly she doesn't like me.

Right now, I'd be happy if she accepts my gifts. It means she's okay with me, liking her, even if I know we can't be together.

She stopped right infront of me. I was mentally preparing myself to give her the folder. But my arms seemed like they were broken. They were stuck.

As I was minding my arm, I suddenly felt pain on my left cheek. I looked at Stella and her hand was on my cheek.

She just slapped me.

I looked her in the eyes. She was close to tearing up. What did I do wrong?

She abruptly took the folder in my hands.

"I hope you had fun looking through my locker." She said then left without another word.

She walked past the crowd that had started to build up due to the scene.

I was left speechless. I couldn't even move. Everything happened too fast.

I was confused. I didn't know whether I should run after her or go back to normal as if nothing had happened.

I came back to the right mind when I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked at who it was and it was Yongguk. He gave me a look that meant he saw everything.

"Okay! Nothing to see here!"

"Get back to your businesses everyone!"

"The show is over! No need to stare!"

The guys said to those people who didn't mind their own businesses. Yongguk led me to a nearby table.

But I didn't care if those people saw what happened. I didn't care about what they thought. I'm sure this will be what people will talk about until the day after tomorrow, but I don't care.

All I wanna know is why did Stella run off like that? Why did she act like that? Was it because of my surprise? Was it something I did? Did I do something wrong? Did I upset her too much? Did I somehow hurt her?

"Damnit!" I threw the glass of water that was on the table. I was frustrated. I was confused. I don't know what I did wrong.


After I left the cafeteria, the tears came down like a waterfall. I couldn't stop them no matter how hard I tried. I cried as I walked.

I ended up walking towards the garden of this school. There, I was alone. It was peaceful. It was very quiet and only my sobbing and quiet cries were heard.

"H-how could he d-do that t-to me?" I asked myself. I wiped away my tears as tried again to stop myself from crying but it was no use.

I was hurt. I was sad. I was confused. Why would he look through my locker? Does he know what our real identities are? I hope not. But what if he saw our profile?

I let myself cry. As my sobs were the only sounds resonating inside the garden.

"You know, if you're just gonna cry there, I suggest you leave. You're ruining the silence in here."

I looked up and looked around the garden to find who owns that voice. I swear his voice seems familiar yet I don't think I've heard it anywhere before.

"I-I'm sorry. I j-just couldn't help myself." I said. I looked around some more until a shadow, in the back part of this garden, caught my attention. I couldn't see his face. The shade from the tree was practically hiding his face from the sunlight, which makes it harder for me to see him.

I walked closer, towards the shadow. But as I was halfway through, he stood up and walked towards me. I stopped dead in my tracks when the sunlight hit his face.

Even when surprise and shock were evident on my face, it didn't stop him from approaching me, in a matter of seconds, he was already infront of me.

He held up one hand, and wiped away the remaining tears on my face. While he wiped away my tears, I looked up at him. The way the sun shone above his face made him look more handsome than the normal days when I would see him.

"Someone as pretty as you doesn't deserve to cry." He suddenly said. What he said was enough to make me smile, make my cheeks blush and even make my heart flutter.

When I noticed how close we were, I immediately moved away from him. I backed away from him while he just looked at me.

"Why are you backing away? Don't tell me you're afraid of me, because I highly doubt that." He said, walking closer to me. As he walked towards me, he just had this smirk on his face.

"I-I'm not a-afraid of you. I-I just thought y-you wanted your personal space and we w-were too close to each other." Every step I took, he took a step closer. The smirk on his face never left. It was slowly scaring me although I wanted to be brave.

"And you don't want that?" I didn't know how to respond to his question. I took one more step back only to realize that I'm trapped. Between a wall and Youngjae.

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