Chapter 44: Say No To Kissing

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"What did you do to her?" I heard Yongguk hyung ask across the table.

I didn't know what to answer them, since I was also confused as to why Stella walked away after I didn't bring her phone back. Was she really mad at me?

"I think I got her mad." I said in a monotone voice.

I see by the corner of my eye that everybody had their eyes on me now. They probably saw Stella walking away.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Aren't you supposed to chase her and apologize?" Yongguk hyung told me. I nodded at him before standing up.

"Youngjae-ssi, you don't have to go to her, we can just talk to her----" Marilyn said but I cut her off.

"It's okay, I'll go after her. It was my fault anyway." I said then continued on my way.

I got outside the ice cream shop and wondered where a girl like Stella would go to if she was upset. I didn't know where to start looking. So I decided to look at the park first.

Once I got to the park, I glanced around. 

I still don't know if she was truly mad at me. Did I accidentally hurt her or something? But whatever I did, it wasn't truly on purpose. I didn't know what I was doing actually. I was just reading a text message that was sent to her, and somehow I got even more mad.

I knew I was being jealous and the fact that it wasn't my place to be was making things even more difficult for me. I hate it.

I heard the squeaking of the old swing set in the park playground. I looked up and saw Stella sitting on one of the swing sets. Her gaze was focused on the ground and it looked as if she was deep in thought.

I continued staring at her from where I stood. She looked so deep in thought that I was scared of disturbing her. She might get mad at me again if I disturbed her.

I got startled when I saw her head snap up and look at me. I don't know why but for some unknown reason I ended up staring deep into her eyes. Her eyes always had this sparkle in them, and I loved staring at them.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I came to apologize."

"Apologize for what? Reading my text message? Not knowing what privacy means?"

"How about both?"

She looked away and kept quiet. I took this as a sign to walk closer to her.

"I'm sorry." I said and kneeled infront of her.

She looked down at me and gave me a scowl.

"Please forgive me." I said but she looked away again. I tried to grab her hands but she took them away before I could even touch them.

How will I get her to forgive me if she's being stubborn? Aishhh.

"What should I do for you to forgive me? I promise I'd do anything." I said and she slowly looked at me. I swear I saw a glimmer of mischief in her eyes when I mentioned that I'd do anything.

"Anything?" She said, the tone in her voice sounding so frightening. It scared me a little since it seems as if she would make me do something I wouldn't like.

"Anything." I confirmed since I had no choice. It's either I do what she wants or she gets mad at me. And I wouldn't want her to get mad at me. So obviously, I picked the first choice.

"I want you . . . to . . . . . kiss," she started but then she stopped.

"Kiss? Kiss who?" I asked as I was curious who she wanted me to kiss. Although I was hoping that she wanted me to kiss her.

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